(A)   Purpose. This subchapter briefly describes general provisions for public comment with more detail provided in other steps, primarily those related to Planning Board and City Council review.
   (B)   Public information. Once the application is submitted to the Administrator, it is public information. Public comment and comments from public utilities, government agencies and others with a substantial interest in the subdivision are essential components of the review of the application, staff report, Planning Board recommendation and City Council decision.
   (C)   Timing of comments.
      (1)   Although identified as a separate step in the process, in fact, public review may occur at any time during the preliminary plat review process. Establishing it as a separate process step highlights the importance of these comments, but does not limit comment to one particular time period in the review process.
      (2)   Comments received from the public at any time after the application is submitted will be included in the jurisdiction’s files and records of the subdivision. Comments will be considered in the staff report, Planning Board recommendation and City Council decision.
   (D)   Soliciting public comments. Major subdivisions, except those exempted per MCA § 76-3-616, shall have a public hearing by the Planning Board. Such hearings shall be noticed as identified in § Any additional meetings of Planning Board or City Council will be noticed as meetings. Minor subdivisions shall be noticed as meetings of the City Council. Notice of meetings shall be made at least 48 hours in advance.
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 151, passed 6-20-2016)