(A)   Process. Once the Administrator determines an application contains the required elements, the Administrator reviews it to determine whether the information in the application is sufficient to make a decision to approve the application, deny it or approve it with conditions according to the following process.
      (1)   Within 15 working days after the Administrator determines that the application contains all of the required elements, the Administrator shall determine whether the application and required elements contain detailed, supporting information that is sufficient to allow for the review of the proposed subdivision under these regulations.
      (2)   The Administrator’s determination shall be based upon whether there is enough information in the application to determine whether the application meets applicable design criteria and if the subdivision will have a significant impact on agriculture, agricultural water user facilities, local services, the natural environment, wildlife, wildlife habitat, and public health and safety and other applicable review criteria.
      (3)   The Administrator shall send written notice to the subdivider of the determination. If the application is insufficient, the letter shall identify the deficiencies and information needed for a sufficient application.
      (4)   The subdivider shall correct deficiencies and submit the required information.
      (5)   This process shall be repeated until the subdivider submits an application that contains detailed, supporting information that is sufficient to review the proposed subdivision under the provisions of these regulations.
      (6)   If the subdivider does not respond to a request for additional information within six months of the issuance of the Administrator’s letter, the Administrator shall send written notice to the subdivider that the application will be terminated if the items are not addressed within 30 days.
   (B)   Amendments to the application during sufficiency review. If the subdivider alters the application during sufficiency review, the application will be reviewed according to § If not determined to be material, the application will be reviewed according to §, which triggers an additional 15-day review period.
   (C)   Effect of determining an application sufficient.
      (1)   Once the application has been deemed sufficient, the local government’s statutory deadlines for a decision begin. The statutory deadlines differ depending upon the type of subdivision and the number of lots. The first day of the time period begins on the day after the written notice is sent to the subdivider stating that the application is sufficient. The City Council’s timeframe for decision to approve, approve with conditions or deny the application is as follows:
         (a)   Thirty-five working days: minor subdivisions;
         (b)   Sixty working days: major subdivisions with fewer than 50 lots; and
         (c)   Eighty working days: major subdivisions with 50 or more lots.
      (2)   The time period may be extended or suspended by up to one year upon mutual consent of the subdivider and the Administrator. Amending an application after it has been determined sufficient constitutes the subdivider’s consent to an extension of the time period. The time period is also extended if a subsequent public hearing is required.
      (3)   Once the application is declared sufficient by the Administrator, the subdivider shall submit the following paper copies of the application, including additional materials for element and sufficiency reviews to the Administrator.
         (a)   Minor subdivisions. One electronic copy in either PDF or Microsoft Word format, and 11 paper copies in a three-ring binder with tabs for each section.
         (b)   Major subdivisions. One electronic copy in either PDF or Microsoft Word format, and 17 paper copies in a three-ring binder with tabs for each section.
   (D)   Additional information. A determination that an application contains sufficient information for review as provided in this subchapter does not ensure that the proposed subdivision will be approved or conditionally approved by the City Council and does not limit the ability of the Administrator, Planning Board or the City Council to request additional information during the review process.
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 151, passed 6-20-2016)