§ 153.03  PLAT OF SURVEY.
   The plat of survey under this chapter shall contain the following:
   (A)   A title to indicate the purpose of the survey (i.e., division, subdivision, retracement and the like);
   (B)   The name of the current real estate owner as shown upon the real estate tax records of the county or an annotation if the surveyor believes the tax records are erroneous or should be corrected;
   (C)   The identity of the parent tract, including the Deed of Record or Instrument Number and 18-digit state key number of the parent tract from which a plat of survey of a smaller area is taken or derived;
   (D)   Annotation of all adjoining real estate owners to the survey tract based upon the county tax records, deed of record and 18-digit state key number;
   (E)   The area (in acres) of each surveyed tract, lot in a subdivision, road or right-of-way, and remainder, if any, in the parent tract with the amount of acreage in different quarter sections, if any, identified. Acreage shall be identified as measured or recorded. The acreage or remaining acreage of each separate tax parcel shall be shown;
   (F)   A computer-generated drawing and a textual description of the parcel being surveyed. Descriptions shall include compass bearings and distance to at least two section corners;
   (G)   A statement indicating the existence or absence of any improvements on each survey tract at the time of the plat’s recordation, to include the location of buildings within 50 feet of a property boundary or right-of-way;
   (H)   A description and diagram of any variances or easements being created on the tract;
   (I)   All flood information;
   (J)   An owner’s certificate and a surveyor’s certificate. Surveyor’s certificate must indicate that the survey is in compliance with I.A.C. Title 865, Article 1, Rule 12;
   (K)   Executed certificates of county review as set out in the following § 153.04;
   (L)   Route surveys shall include description and acreage of all proposed roads, streets or rights-of-way;
   (M)   Streets limited to private use must be so labeled;
   (N)   Parcel or lot being surveyed needs zoning classification per zoning map, city or county;
   (O)   North arrow;
   (P)   Bearings of lines and source of bearings, and if based upon a previous survey, reference to a recorded document must be on the plat;
   (Q)   Gaps and overlaps clearly shown and new legal description for that area;
   (R)   Distances shall be shown in feet and decimal fractions of a foot. Direction of lines shall be shown in compass bearings;
   (S)   Curve data to include radius, chord distance and bearing, arc length;
   (T)   When a new tract is being created, the 18-digit state key number will be put on the survey/plat before if can be recorded. For that new parcel the surveyor will put on the 18-digit state key number or give written consent to the Area Plan Director to put it on the survey. Leave a blank line space for the 18-digit state key number;
   (U)   All restrictions and covenants new or old shall appear on survey or be referenced to recorded location of restriction and covenants;
   (V)   Vicinity map;
   (W)   All surveys must be recorded within six months from the time a registered surveyor signs the survey/plat;
   (X)   Measurements for route surveys: survey ties to nearest United States Public Land Survey subdivision corners that are reasonably accessible to both sides of the controlling survey line; and
   (Y)   Provide proof of closure for legal description being surveyed.
(Ord. 2008-05, passed - -2008)
   Any plat of survey (original, retracement or route survey) shall contain the following certificates of review before the Recorder of the county shall accept the document for recordation:
   This plat of survey has been reviewed by _________ as the designated representative of the Greensburg City Plan Commission of the _______ day of ______________. Such plat conforms to the City of Greensburg, Indiana and shall be the document of record from which the Greensburg City Plan Commission or the City of Greensburg Board of Zoning Appeals shall determine all issues under any City of Greensburg ordinance.
   Certified this ___________ day of ________________, ________.
                                       Greensburg City Plan Commission
                                       By: ________________________________
   We, _______________ and __________________________ owners of the real estate shown and described herein, do hereby certify that we establish the boundaries of said real estate in accordance with this plat.
   The setback lines shall be determined by the regulations of the governing entity having zoning jurisdiction over the property shown hereon.
______________________________         _________________________________
Name                              Name
State of Indiana      ]
County of Decatur   ]
   Before me, the undersigned notary public, in and for the County and State, personally appeared ___ ____________________ and __________________ who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument as their voluntary acts and deeds for the purposes therein expressed.
Witness my hand and seal this __________ day of ____________________, _________.
                              Notary Public   ___________________________
                              County of   _______________________________
                              Residence   _______________________________
                              Printed name ____________________
                              Commission Expiration ______________________
   This plat of survey has been reviewed by _____________________________ as the designated representative of the Decatur County Area Plan Commission on the _____ day of _________________. Such plat conforms to the zoning and use ordinances of Decatur County, Indiana and shall be the document of record from which the Decatur County Area Plan Commission or the Decatur County Board of Zoning Appeals shall determine all issues under any Decatur County ordinance.
   Certified this ________ day of ________________, ___________.
                  Decatur County Area Plan Commission
                  By _____________________________________
   The Decatur County Auditor or its representative has received and reviewed an exact copy of this plat on this __________ day of __________________, ______.
   Certified this _________ day of __________________, _______.
                                 Auditor, Decatur County, Indiana
                                 By: __________________________
   Recorded in Plat Cabinet pages ____________ this _______ day of _______________, _____ at ______ o’clock __M. instrument number ______, fee paid ___________.
                                             Decatur County Recorder
(Ord. 2008-05, passed - -2008)
   Any plat of survey (original, retracement or route survey) of land located in an A-1 or A-2 zoning district shall contain the following certificate:
   The owners of residential lots in this subdivision and their successors in title acknowledge that the predominate use of adjoining or adjacent real estate is farming and other agricultural uses. The owners of these lots take this real estate with notice that farming and other agricultural uses may impair or conflict with the residential use of this real estate.
(Ord. 2008-05, passed - -2008)
   The County Auditor shall review each survey for consistency with county records and shall make any necessary corrections to county records. The County Auditor may reject a survey which does not contain the information required by this chapter or which is not consistent with county records.
(Ord. 2008-05, passed - -2008)
   The plat of survey shall be upon an 18-inch by 24-inch minimum, 24-inch by 36-inch maximum Mylar and contain all information required under this chapter. The certificate of the owner, surveyor and certificate of county review shall appear on the plat.
(Ord. 2008-05, passed - -2008)
§ 153.08  FEE.
   (A)   The fee for recording the plat of survey shall be collected by the County Recorder in the amount authorized by I.C. 36-2-7-10.
   (B)   The fee for the county review of the plat of survey shall be $60 and collected by the County Area Plan Commission. The Auditor review fee is $20 per survey and will be collected by the County Auditor.
(Ord. 2008-05, passed - -2008)
   (A)   Any disputes, interpretations or issues arising from this chapter, or its enforcement shall be determined after a public hearing before a Plat Review Board that is composed of the County Surveyor, the Executive Director or Chief Administrative Officer of the County Area Plan Commission and the Zoning Administrator or Chief Administrative Officer for planning of the City of Greensburg, Indiana. Notice of the public hearing shall be published as required by statute with formal notice by mail to all adjoining real estate owners.
   (B)   The decision of the Plat Review Board under this chapter may be appealed to the Circuit Court of the county.
(Ord. 2008-05, passed - -2008)
§ 153.10  TRANSFER.
   The County Auditor and the County Recorder may accept for transfer or recordation deed or document of conveyance only if the requirements of this chapter have been met.
(Ord. 2008-05, passed - -2008)
   The amendments enacted by this chapter shall be effective on January 1, 2009, and shall apply to any transfers or recordings after that date.
(Ord. 2008-05, passed - -2008)