All cuts in existing pavement for the repair of any underground utility shall be made and repaired as shown below.
(A) The opening shall be no larger than necessary to make the required repairs. When ground conditions are unstable and there is danger of widespread caving, sheeting shall be driven and, if so ordered by the Engineer, the sheeting shall be left in place. The opening shall be made by sawing with a concrete saw.
(B) After the required repairs are made, the excavated hole shall be backfilled with bank run gravel in six-inch layers, solidly tamped to the subgrade of the street base, and compacted to obtain 95% density.
(C) The exposed sides of the cut in the pavement shall be wire-brushed or blown free of all loose particles and dust. Concrete with a low slump shall then be placed in the opening and tamped tightly to within two inches below the surrounding surface to permit asphalt topping.
(D) The fresh concrete shall be properly protected until thoroughly cured.
(Prior Code, § 94.01) Penalty, see § 93.99