The goals of the Decatur Public Art Program are as follows:
   (A)   Promote and support programs for tourism, cultural exchange and goodwill;
   (B)   Promote and support the economic development and vitality of the community;
   (C)   Celebrate and advocate for artists and the important role that the arts play in our community;
   (D)   Enhance the visual environment of public spaces for residents and visitors;
   (E)   Strengthen the positive reputation, brand and stature of the City of Decatur and its neighborhoods;
   (F)   Promote distinctive and diverse artwork that communicates the community’s sense of spirit, identity and pride;
   (G)   Improve access to the arts for all citizens of the city and advance citizen understanding of public artwork and its civic role.
   (H)   Create opportunities for inclusion, engagement and civic dialogue among diverse citizens of the city.
(Ord. 2019-7, passed 7-16-2019)