(A)   Membership and terms.
      (1)   The Historical Commission shall consist of five voting members, all of whom are appointed by a majority vote of the City Council.
      (2)   The terms of each member of the Historical Commission shall be three years staggered and overlapping as established beginning July 1, of the first year and shall expire on the last day of June of the last year of the respective term.
      (3)   Persons appointed to the Historical Commission shall be at the discretion of the City Council.
      (4)   The City Council shall also appoint one of its members as a non-voting ex-officio member of the Historical Commission who shall attend Historical Commission meetings and act as a liaison between the City Council and the Commission.
      (5)   The Council shall appoint a staff person to act as city staff liaison to the Historical Commission.
      (6)   The Historical Commission shall establish regular meeting dates but special meetings may be called by any two members of the Commission upon three days written notice to all members. The Commission shall select a chairperson, vice-chairperson and secretary from its membership.
   (B)   Removal. Any Commission member may be removed for cause only by a majority vote of all Council members.
   (C)   Finances.
      (1)   The city shall allow the Historical Commission access to city equipment, including but not limited to photo copier, fax, computers, storage area, and website to promote history and request volunteers, and/or projects.
      (2)   The city shall allocate money in the general funds each year to support the Commission.
   (D)   Powers and duties of Commission.
      (1)   The Commission shall research historical people, places and events to be used when naming parks, roads, building and the like.
      (2)   The Commission shall collect data, photos, documents for the potential of a Dayton history book.
      (3)   The Commission, upon request, provides photos and displays to be used in city buildings, schools and businesses.
   (E)   Reports. The Commission shall provide a report to the City Council showing its operations for the preceding year. The Commission shall make its recommendation and an estimate of the funds required for its work for the ensuing fiscal year. It shall also render such other regular or special reports, advisory recommendations or make such investigations as it deems advisable or as may be requested by the Council.
(Ord. 2014-03, passed 2-25-2014)