(A)   Conditions of issuing a temporary permit. A temporary permit shall not be approved unless the following conditions have been met:
      (1)   The application has been completed on a form provided by the city;
      (2)   The application is made by a bona-fide non-profit organization and the event for which the temporary permit is sought is a social activity to be held within the city;
      (3)   That the premises where the activity is to be held will be adequate for the number of people expected in terms of size, sanitary facilities and parking;
      (4)   The applicant has not had more than two temporary permits within the past 12 months;
      (5)   Neither the applicant nor any of its members has been convicted of violating any laws relating to the sale of liquor, 3.2% malt liquor or the consumption and display of liquor, nor has the applicant violated any conditions of a prior temporary permit or any temporary license issued under §§ 114.040 through 114.050 of this chapter; and
      (6)   The fees required by § 114.072 of this chapter have been paid to the city.
   (B)   Temporary permit approval. If a temporary permit is approved by the City Council, the Clerk or Finance Director shall forward the same to the Commissioner of Public Safety for approval. No temporary permit is valid until it has been approved by the Commissioner of Public Safety and no temporary permit will be issued until such approval is received by the city.
   (C)   Temporary permit conditions. The temporary permit holder shall comply with the following.
      (1)   No person who has brought liquor to the premises for which the temporary permit is issued shall keep or leave such liquor at the premises during his or her absence.
      (2)   No person shall furnish liquor or set-ups to a minor.
      (3)   No minor shall remain or be allowed to remain at a premises for which a permit has been issued unless accompanied by his or her parent or adult guardian.
(1978 Code, § 603.06) Penalty, see § 10.99