A. Data For Preliminary Plats: The following information shall be submitted as a basis for the preliminary plat and, shall include existing conditions as follows, except when otherwise specified by the planning commission:
1. Boundary Lines: Bearings and distances.
2. Easements: Location, width and purpose.
3. Streets On And Adjacent To Tract: Name and right of way width and location; type, width and elevation of surfacing; any legally established centerline elevations; walks; curbs; gutters; culverts; etc.
4. Utilities On And Adjacent To Tract: Location, size and invert elevation of sanitary, storm and combined sewers; location and size of water mains; location of gas lines, fire hydrants, electric and telephone poles, and streetlights; if water mains and sewers are not on or adjacent to the tract, indicate the direction and distance to, and size of nearest ones, showing invert elevation of sewers.
5. Ground Elevations On The Tract Based On Datum Plane Approved By City Engineer: For land that slopes less than approximately two percent (2%), show spot elevations at all breaks in grade, along all drainage channels or swales, and at selected points not more than one hundred feet (100') apart in all directions; for land that slopes more than approximately two percent (2%), either show contours with an interval of not more than five feet (5') if ground slope is regular and such information is sufficient for planning purposes, or show contours with an interval of not more than two feet (2') if necessary because of irregular land or need for detailed data for preparing plans and construction drawings.
6. Subsurface Conditions On Tract If Required By Planning Commission: Location and results of tests made to ascertain subsurface soil, rock and ground water conditions; depth to ground water unless tests pits are dry at a depth of five feet (5'); location and results of soil percolation tests if individual sewage disposal systems are proposed.
7. Other Conditions On Tract: Watercourses, marshes, rock outcrop, wooded areas, isolated preservable trees one foot (1') or more in diameter, houses, barns, shacks, and other significant features. No plat will be approved for a subdivision which covers an area subject to periodic flooding or which contains extremely poor drainage facilities and which makes adequate drainage of the streets and lots impossible.
8. Other Conditions On Adjacent Land: Approximate direction and gradient of ground slope, including any embankments or retaining walls; character and location of buildings, railroads, power lines, towers, and other nearby nonresidential land uses or adverse influences; owners of adjacent unplatted land; for adjacent platted land refer to subdivision plat by name, recordation date, and number, and show approximate percent built up, typical lot size, and dwelling type.
9. Photographs, If Required By Planning Commission: Camera locations, directions of views and key numbers.
10. Zoning: Zoning on and adjacent to the tract.
11. Proposed Public Improvements: Highways or other major improvements planned by public authorities for future construction on or near the tract.
12. Key Plan: Key plan showing location of the tract.
13. Title And Certificates: Present tract designation according to official records in office of appropriate recorder; title under which proposed subdivision is to be recorded, with names and addresses of owners, notation stating acreage, scale, north arrow, datum, benchmarks, certification of registered civil engineer or surveyor, date of survey.
B. Form Of Preliminary Plat: The preliminary plat shall be at a scale of two hundred feet to one inch (200' = 1") or larger preferred scale of one hundred feet to one inch (100' = 1") . It shall show all existing conditions required in subsection A of this section and shall show all proposals including the following:
1. Street names; right of way and roadway widths; approximate grades and gradients; similar data for alleys, if any.
2. Other rights of way or easements: location, width and purpose.
3. Location of utilities, if not shown on other exhibits.
4. Lot lines, lot numbers and block numbers.
5. Sites, if any, to be reserved or dedicated for parks, playgrounds, or other public uses.
6. Minimum building setback lines.
7. Site data, including number of residential lots, typical lot size, and acres in parks, etc.
8. Title, scale, north arrow, and date.
C. Other Preliminary Plans: When required by the planning commission, the preliminary plat shall be accompanied by profiles showing existing ground surface and proposed street grades, including extensions for a reasonable distance beyond the limits of the proposed subdivision; typical cross sections of the proposed grading, roadway and sidewalk; and preliminary plan of proposed sanitary and storm water sewers with grades and sizes indicated. All elevations shall be based on a datum plane approved by the city engineer.
D. Protective Covenants: Proposed protective covenants whereby the subdivider proposed to regulate land use in the subdivision and otherwise protect the proposed development shall be submitted with the preliminary plat. (Ord. 217, 3-2-1992)