A. Standards For Construction: All of the required improvements specified in this section shall be constructed in accordance with the city standards for construction and all other applicable city, county and state regulations.
B. Monuments And Markers: Concrete monuments shall be set at the intersection of all lines forming angles in the boundary of the subdivision. Iron or steel markers shall be set: 1) at the beginning and ending of all curves along street property lines; 2) at all points where lot lines intersect curves, either front or rear; 3) at all angles in property lines of lots; and 4) at all other lot corners.
C. Streets: The streets shall be graded, if required by the planning commission, to the grades and dimensions shown on plans and profiles and approved by the planning commission and shall include the following improvements:
1. Drainage: Suitable drainage structures, culverts, storm sewers, ditches and related installations shall be provided to ensure adequate drainage of all points along the streets.
2. Curbs And Gutters: Concrete curbs and gutters shall be required on all streets.
3. Base Course: The base course shall consist of latest Minnesota department of highways approved material.
4. Paving: Blacktop paving, as specified by the engineer, shall be required on all streets.
5. Shoulders: Street shoulders shall be constructed which are uniformly and thoroughly compacted by rolling and level with tops of curbs.
D. Sidewalks: Paved sidewalks shall be installed along all streets.
E. Storm Drainage: The construction of a storm drainage system shall conform to the following requirements:
1. Drainage ditches or channels shall have a minimum gradient of one percent (1%).
2. Open watercourses shall have adequate capacity and erosion control to ensure safe and healthful disposal of storm water.
3. When top soil has been removed from the surface of a lot on a slope where erosion will cause a displacement of loose material, the subdivider shall be required to seed or provide other means to prevent the wash from damaging adjacent property or accumulating on street surfaces.
F. Water Supply:
1. Public Water Available: Where public water supply is available, as determined by the planning commission, the subdivider shall connect to such public water supply and construct a system of water mains with a connection for each lot.
2. Public Water Not Available: Where public water is not available:
a. The subdivider shall supply acceptable evidence of the availability of water. The subdivider may be required to make one or more test wells in the area to be platted if such evidence is deemed not acceptable. Copies of well logs from said test wells which are obtained shall include the name and address of the well driller and shall be submitted with the plan to the city council.
b. If a private water supply is permitted, individual private wells shall comply with pollution control agency requirements.
G. Sewers:
1. Accessible To Municipal System: Where the municipal sewer system is reasonably accessible to the subdivision, the subdivider shall provide the subdivision with a complete sanitary sewer system to be connected to the municipal sanitary sewer.
2. Unaccessible To Municipal System: Where the municipal sewer system is not reasonably accessible to the subdivision and, in the judgment of the planning commission, extension of the municipal sewage system to the subdivision will not take place in the foreseeable future, private sewage disposal systems on individual lots consistent with all city, county and state regulations applicable thereto will be allowed.
H. Utilities: Every lot in a subdivision shall be capable of being served by utilities, and easements acceptable to the utility companies shall be provided. Electric, gas and other utility distribution lines shall be installed within public rights of way or within properly designated easements. To the fullest extent possible, underground utility lines shall be encouraged but not installed beneath existing or proposed paved areas.
I. Trees: Trees shall be planted along the streets. The location and types of trees must meet the approval of the planning commission.
J. Street Signs: Street name signs of a type adopted or approved by the planning commission shall be installed at each street intersection by the subdivider, on a location specified by the engineer. (Ord. 217, 3-2-1992)