A.   Establishment Of Tax Districts: Pursuant to Minnesota statute 272.67, the city of Dawson hereby divides the area within its corporate limits into an urban service district and a rural service district. Said districts shall be constituted as separate taxing districts for the purpose of all municipal property taxes, except those levied for the payment of bonds, and judgments and interest thereon.
   B.   Criteria/Definitions:
      1.   The urban service district shall include all properties located within the corporate limits of the city of Dawson, except those properties which are included in a rural service district.
      2.   The rural service district shall include only unplatted lands, which need not be contiguous to one another, and which, in the judgment of the city council at the time of the adoption of the ordinance, are rural in character, and are not developed for commercial, industrial, or urban residential purposes, and, for these reasons, are not benefited to the same degree as other lands located within the limits of the city of Dawson and financed by general taxation.
The lands described on exhibit A attached to the ordinance codified herein are hereby included in the rural service district.
   C.   Zoning District Designation: The Dawson city zoning ordinance is hereby amended by changing the district map and adding to the zoning ordinance a new zoning district known as RS, rural service district.
In rural service districts, the following regulations shall apply, unless otherwise provided herein:
      1.   The property must be rural in character.
      2.   The property must not be developed, or used, for commercial, industrial, or residential purposes. (Ord. 266, 4-3-2007)
      3.   (Rep. by Ord. 297, 1-17-2012)
      4.   The property must be unused and seeded, or used for agricultural purposes only.
For purposes of this district, "agricultural purposes" shall include only the following uses:
Agricultural uses, including farm crops, and farm and agricultural related buildings and structures (but not residential dwellings), subject to Minnesota pollution control standards, but not including feedlots, manure spreading, livestock, or other commercial or industrial operations.
      5.   Farm and agriculture related buildings and structures existing (but no residential dwellings) at the time a property is first included in the rural service district may continue to be utilized for agricultural purposes. Existing buildings and structures may be repaired or replaced, if destroyed by wind or fire, but may not be expanded. No permit shall be granted to construct any new or additional buildings or structures.
      6.   The following uses may be permitted by conditional use permit:
Landscape nurseries or forestlands.
Privately owned recreational uses, such as golf courses, golf driving ranges, and similar outdoor recreational activities which require relatively large amounts of land.
   D.   Change In Use Of Property In RS District: Whenever application is made for a permit for construction of a commercial, industrial, or residential building, or improvement, or whenever such improvement or building is commenced without a permit, the Dawson city council shall make and enter an order for resolution transferring such parcel, or part thereof, from the rural service district to the urban service district.
Any application for platting of the property shall also permit the governing body of the city of Dawson to make and enter an order by resolution transferring such parcel from the rural service district to the urban service district.
   E.   Tax Ratio: In the judgment of the Dawson city council, the ratio which exists between the benefits resulting from tax supported municipal service to parcels in the rural service district to parcels in the urban service district is equal to property taxes levied within Riverside township, plus any municipal property taxes levied for payment of bonds, and judgments, and interest thereon.
The property tax rate levied upon property in a rural service district shall be equal to the levy rate imposed for properties in Riverside township, except those levied for the payment of bonds, judgments and interest thereon.
   F.   Annexed Land: Any property which is annexed to the city of Dawson after the adoption hereof, and which is included in the rural service district as part of the annexation order, shall be reviewed by the city council if the property is not developed for a period of five (5) years after annexation to determine whether inclusion in the rural service district is still appropriate. The Dawson city council may review the use of the property at any sooner time. By amendment of this section, such parcel shall be included in the urban service district if any area adjacent thereto is determined by the city council to be substantially developed as urban property.
   G.   Required City Services:
      1.   The city of Dawson shall not provide any city water, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, or other utility service to any property located in the rural service district.
      2.   No other city service beyond that normally provided by Riverside township will be provided by the city in a rural service district. (Ord. 266, 4-3-2007)