10-1-2: FIRE ZONE 1:
   A.   Description: The following parts of the city are hereby made a part of fire zone 1:
      1.   Block 44 of Dawson;
      2.   The west one-half of blocks 52 and 60 of Dawson;
      3.   The east one-half of blocks 43, 51 and 59 of Dawson; and
      4.   All territory embraced within the following described limits: commencing at the point of intersection of the center line, extended and prolonged, of the alley running north and south through block 44 with the southerly line of the right of way of the Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad, thence running north along the center line of said alley, if extended and prolonged, across the right of way and following the center line of the alley running north and south through block 36 to the center line of Locust Street to the point of intersection of the center line of Locust Street with the center line, extended and prolonged, southerly of the alley running north and south through block 27, thence south in a straight line to the point where the southerly line of the right of way intersects the center line, extended and prolonged, of the alley running north and south through block 42, thence southeasterly along the southerly line of the right of way of the Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad to the point of beginning.
   (1982 Code § 9.112)
   B.   Restrictions: No building or structure, nor any part of or addition to any building, constructed of wood or other combustible material shall be erected or placed within fire zone 1 unless the outer walls are constructed of brick, stone or other noncombustible material not less than four inches (4") thick and the roof covered with noncombustible material. (1982 Code § 9.114)