A.   Public Nuisance: The following things are public nuisances whenever they may be found within the city:
      1.   Any living or standing elm tree or part thereof infected to any degree with the Dutch elm disease fungus Ceratocystis ulmi (Buisman) moreau or which harbors any of the elm bark beetles Scolytus multistraitus (Eichh.) or Hylurgopinus rufipes (Marsh).
      2.   Any dead elm tree or part thereof, including logs, branches, stumps, firewood or other elm material from which the bark has not been removed and burned or sprayed with an effective elm bark beetle insecticide.
   B.   Unlawful: It is unlawful for any person to permit any public nuisance as defined in subsection A of this section to remain on any premises owned or controlled by him within the city. Such nuisances may be abated in the manner prescribed by this chapter. (1982 Code § 8.6105)
   C.   Abatement: In abating the nuisances defined in subsection A of this section, the tree inspector shall cause the infected tree or wood to be sprayed, removed, burned or otherwise effectively treated so as to destroy and prevent as fully as possible the spread of Dutch elm disease fungus and elm bark beetles. Such abatement procedures shall be carried out in accordance with current technical and expert opinions and plans as may be designated by the commissioner of agriculture. (1982 Code § 8.6107)