(A)   Where this Code authorizes or necessitates an investigation or inspection by any department or official of the Municipality before the issuance of a license, and requires the approval by such department or official regarding the proper location or condition of the premises in which the business, occupation or activity for which a license is applied is to be managed, conducted, operated or carried on, or regarding the condition and nature of the equipment and methods intended to be used by the applicant in such business, occupation or activity, then the Clerk shall transmit to the appropriate official or department such information necessary for the required investigation or inspection. Investigations or inspections may be conducted by any officer, employee or independent contractor of the City or personnel of any other governmental agency.
   (B)   The designated official or department: 1) shall make all necessary investigations and inspections, and the results thereof shall be reported in writing to the Clerk; and 2) shall indicate on the application a recommendation for the approval or disapproval thereof.
   (C)   Upon receipt of all related investigative and inspection reports, the Clerk shall forward such reports, together with the application, to the Mayor for final determination. (Ord. 0-12-92, 2-18-1992)