2-6-4: CRITERIA:
The committee shall follow the following criteria in recommending the citizen of the year:
   (A)   The citizen of the year shall have made some outstanding voluntary contribution to the city. Criteria to be considered shall include: 1) diversity of activities; 2) length of service; 3) degree of involvement in the community; and 4) impact to the city.
   (B)   The committee shall not discriminate as to age, sex, color, creed, or national origin in making their selection of the citizen of the year.
   (C)   The citizen of the year must be a resident of Darien.
   (D)   No one shall be selected for the citizen of the year honor more than once.
   (E)   The citizen of the year shall not presently hold a paid or elected position within the city government. (Ord. 0-50-92, 9-8-1992)
   (F)   Candidates for citizen of the year shall be submitted in writing via a nomination letter or form sent to the committee for their consideration. Once a letter or form has been submitted, the candidate's name shall always be a valid nomination. Resubmittal of candidate letters or forms is encouraged to keep information current and accurate. (Ord. 0-20-94, 4-18-1994)
   (G)   All nomination letters and supporting material received each year shall be maintained by the committee and turned over to the city clerk's office following the selection of the citizen of the year. The city clerk shall maintain an historical file of this information. (Ord. 0-50-92, 9-8-1992)