(A)   The Director of Community Development shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council and subject to removal by the Mayor. The Director shall be in charge of the Department of Community Development and shall institute such measures and prescribe such rules and regulations for the control of subordinate officers and employees and shall secure the inspection of buildings while in the process of construction, alteration, repair or removal, and enforcement of all provisions of the Building Code.
The Director of Community Development is hereby authorized to employ, by and with the consent of the City Administrator, such inspectors or assistants as may be necessary in the execution of the duties mentioned in the Building Code or other ordinances as may be from time to time required.
The Director of Community Development is hereby authorized to require as a condition to an application and issuance of a permit that the applicant pay fees in addition to those otherwise provided herein of review by other than staff members of plans and specifications.
   (B)   The duties of the Director of Community Development shall include, but are not limited to, all of the duties of the Building Department Supervisor, the Building Official, the Director of Building and Zoning, the Fire Official, the Code Official, the Fire Marshal, the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention, the Zoning Enforcement Officer, the Building Commissioner, the City Planner, the Building Inspector, the Building and Zoning Director and the Building Supervisor as set forth in this Code, in the Building Code, in the zoning ordinance, in the Sign Code, in the subdivision regulations, in the Fire Prevention Code, and in all other ordinances, resolutions and motions, and rules and regulations of the City.
All references in this Code, the Building Code, the zoning ordinance, the Sign Code, the subdivision regulations, the Fire Prevention Code, and in all other ordinances, resolutions and motions, and rules and regulations of the City to the "Building Department Supervisor", the "Building Official", the "Director of Building and Zoning", the "Fire Official", the "Code Official", the "Fire Marshal", the "Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention", the "Zoning Enforcement Officer", the "Building Commissioner", the "City Planner", the "Building Inspector", the "Building and Zoning Director" and the "Building Supervisor" shall henceforth be construed to refer to and mean the Director of Community Development. (Ord. 0-43-12, 12-17-2012)