Sec. 11. 2002 election.
   In 2002 and every four years thereafter, four members shall be elected to the board as follows: one member each from Districts 1, 2, and 3.
(Sess. Laws 1993, ch. 654, § 11)
Sec. 12. Time of election and expiration.
   Elections for the Board of Education in 1996 shall be held in May at the same time as party primaries for other county offices, and board members shall take office in December following the election as provided in general State law. In 1998 and subsequent years, elections shall also be held in May at the same time as party primaries for other county offices, but board members elected at that time shall take office at the first regular board meeting in July following the election. The terms of office of persons elected for terms to expire in 1998 and thereafter shall expire on the date of the first regular board meeting in July.
(Sess. Laws 1993, ch. 654, § 12)
Sec. 13. Chapter repealed.
   Chapter 819 of the Session Laws of 1989 is repealed, but such repeal shall not affect the terms of members elected pursuant to that act except as specifically altered by this act.
(Sess. Laws 1993, ch. 654, § 13)
Sec. 14 Effective date; ratification.
   This act is effective upon ratification.
   In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 1st day of July, 1994.
(Sess. Laws, 1993, ch. 654, § 14)