(A)   The Council shall have all the right, power and authority granted to municipalities under state law to require the owners of parcels of land on any public street of the town to maintain and improve the tree lawn area. Further, the Council may, through other means or incentives, encourage voluntary efforts to improve landscaping on the public streets.
   (B)   When working on trees within the public right-of-way and on municipal property, priority shall be given to maintenance rather the replacement of flawed trees.
      (1)   Emphasis shall be placed on remedial practices such as pruning, wound treatment and fertilization.
      (2)   Interference with signs, lights, lines of sight, walks, structures and utilities shall first be addressed through selective pruning of branches and roots.
   (C)   Only when the Staff Project Coordinator has determined that a tree creates a dangerous, unsafe or hazardous condition, or poses a threat of infestation to other trees, and that these conditions cannot adequately be corrected through remedial measures, shall a tree within the public right-of-way or municipal land be removed.
(Ord. 8-2009, passed 6-15-09)