For the purposes of clarity certain terms are defined in this section. Terms not defined in this section shall have meanings customarily assigned to them.
   APPROVED STREET TREE LIST. The list of trees approved by the town for planting within the public right-of-way.
   COMMITTEE. The Tree Advisory Committee established by this chapter.
   COUNCIL. The Town Council of Danville, Indiana.
   DRIPLINE. The width of a tree crown as measured by the lateral extent of foliage.
   MAINTAINING. Includes trimming, care, pruning and preservation of trees.
   PROPERTY OWNER. The record owner or contract purchaser of any parcel of land in the town.
   PUBLIC PROPERTY. Property owned or controlled by the town.
   PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. Land occupied or intended to be occupied by a street, alley, boulevard, road, trail or other transportation facility that is owned by the town or another public agency.
   STREET TREES. Trees lying on the public right-of-way owned or controlled by the town, including those located along roads and streets between the pavement edge and private property line, and within any park or other public facility.
   TOWN. The Town of Danville.
   TREE. A perennial woody plant with one main stem or, in clump form, up to three main stems, which develops many branches and ordinarily grows to a height of 20 feet or more.
   TREE LAWN. Public property lying between the boundary of the edge of pavement or curb and the property line, except such portion thereof as may be covered by a sidewalk or used as a walkway.
   URBAN FOREST. The collection of trees and shrubs located within the town limits.
   UTILITIES. Includes both private and public utility companies.
   PROPERTY OWNER. The record owner or contract purchaser of any parcel of land in the town.
(Ord. 8-2009, passed 6-15-09)