(A)   All driveways, curbs and gutters hereafter constructed shall be of concrete or blacktop with a minimum compacted thickness of two inches. No driveway shall not be less than ten feet in width. No driveway width(s) shall exceed a combined total of one-third of the front lot width or 48 feet maximum, whichever is less, as measured at the property line. The entire width of the opening shall be paved from the place of joining the thoroughfare to the property line of the petitioner. The place of joining will be determined by the type of curb and gutter. No curb shall be cut or removed without prior approval of the Public Works Superintendent. All flares shall be curbed to a vanishing point at the street side of the sidewalk, or if no sidewalk exists, to a point designated by the Public Works Superintendent.
   (B)   The grade of any sidewalk shall not be altered by the work done. The driveway shall be at the same grade as any existing sidewalk. All new driveways shall provide for sidewalks. All sidewalks shall be constructed of concrete unless otherwise specified by the Superintendent of Public Works. All sidewalks shall be four feet wide with an expansion joint on each side abutting the driveway. All sidewalks crossing a driveway shall have no more than one-fourth inch per foot cross slope and shall be the same thickness as the driveway to be constructed, but in no case less than five inches thick.
   (C)   No driveway shall be constructed within 40 feet of an intersecting street, or within 30 feet of another driveway on the same property, or less than one foot from the petitioner's property line extended.
   (D)   For lots with frontage on two streets, driveway access may only be permitted from the minor street.
   (E)   If the petitioner contracts the driveway construction to a contractor, the contractor must obtain approval from the town through the issuance of a driveway construction permit.
   (F)   Drawings/sketches of the proposed driveway shall be submitted with the driveway construction permit application and kept on file at the Public Works Department.
   (G)   Driveways on non-curbed streets shall include piping approved by the Public Works Superintendent with the following specifications:
      (1)   The driveway pipe shall be of a material acceptable to the Public Works Superintendent.
      (2)   The minimum diameter is 12 inches and the length of the pipe must be no less than three feet from the edge of the driveway on each side.
      (3)   The driveway pipe shall be set so that the inlet end is not so high as to block water flow in the ditch.
      (4)   The driveway pipe outlet shall no be lower than the ditch beyond the driveway.
      (5)   Driveways with a positive slope shall install a trench drain to divert all storm water into the driveway pipe.
(Ord. 27-2004, passed 10-18-04; Am. Ord. 7-2008, passed 4-7-08)