(A)   The Town Council shall serve as the purchasing agency for the town.
   (B)   The Town Council, as the town’s purchasing agency, shall have all the powers and duties authorized under I.C. 5-22, as may be supplemented from time to time by ordinances and policies adopted by the Town Council.
   (C)   The Town Council shall act as the purchasing agency for every agency, board, office, branch, bureau, commission, council, department or other establishment of the town.
   (D)   The Town Council designates the Clerk-Treasurer, Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Planning Director, Wastewater Superintendent, Water Superintendent, Stormwater Superintendent, Utilities Director, Parks Director, Street Department Superintendent, as purchasing agents for the town, subject to any and all limitations on their authority as established by statute or established policy or procedure of the town.
   (E)   Subject to the policies and procedures of the town, purchasing agents may purchase supplies with an estimated cost of less than $25,000 on the open market without inviting or receiving quotes. Any purchases with an estimated cost between $25,000 and $150,000 must be accompanied by three quotes or estimates. Any purchases with an estimated cost of over $150,000 must utilize the bid process.
   (F)   The provisions of I.C. 5-23, public-private agreements are adopted for use by the town.
   (G)   The following are the required purchasing rules for the state:
      (1)   Purchase of supplies manufactured in the United States; and
      (2)   Supplies manufactured in the United States shall be specified for all town purchases and shall be purchased unless the purchasing agent determines that:
         (a)   The supplies are not manufactured in the United States in reasonably available quantities;
         (b)   The prices of the supplies manufactured in the United States exceeds by an unreasonable amount the price of available and comparable supplies manufactured elsewhere;
         (c)   The quality of the supplies manufactured in the United States is substantially less than the quality of comparably priced available supplies manufactured elsewhere; or
         (d)   The purchase of supplies manufactured in the United States is not in the public interest.
(Ord. 18-1998, passed 6-15-98; Am. Ord. 26-2021, passed 10-6-2021)