(A)   (1)   It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, or any legal entity of any kind whatsoever, that is an owner of real estate located within the town to permit others to litter, deposit any thing or object upon the public way or other public places in the town. Each owner of real estate shall be responsible for the sidewalks and public ways that adjoin their property and to keep the same free from all deposits of litter, objects of any kind whatsoever.
      (2)   For purposes of this chapter any deposits of litter, objects or items left upon the public way or other public places adjoining private property of the citizens of the town for more than six hours the owners of the real estate shall then be guilty of violating this chapter.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any occupant of real property whether their occupancy is by ownership as a tenant, guest, invitee or any other legal claim to the right of possession of the real property to permit in any manner in or upon any public way or other public place in the town any debris, objects or things for more than six hours without removal and failing to so remove shall be guilty of violating of this chapter.
(Ord. 11-1991, passed 8-27-91) Penalty, see § 10.99