(A)   This section establishes regulations for the posting of temporary signs. Temporary signs may be posted on property in all zoning districts of the City, subject to the following provisions.
      (1)   The total number of temporary signs posted on a lot shall not exceed one in any residential zoning district and shall not exceed one per 100 feet of street frontage on a lot in all other zoning districts. An individual temporary sign may not exceed eight square feet in size in a residential zoning district and shall not exceed 32 square feet in size in all other zoning districts.
      (2)   A temporary sign shall be designed to be stable under all weather conditions, including high winds. Any banner that is not attached to a building wall must be enclosed in or anchored to a rigid frame.
      (3)   No temporary sign shall be animated, illuminated or painted with light reflecting paint.
      (4)   A temporary sign shall only be posted with the consent of the property owner or occupant.
      (5)   Any temporary sign which becomes torn, broken, tattered, mutilated, defaced, damaged, deteriorated or otherwise falls into disrepair shall be deemed a nuisance and such sign shall be immediately removed or replaced.
      (6)   The person who has posted or directed the posting of a temporary sign is responsible for the removal or replacement of the sign in accordance with this section. If that person does not remove or replace the temporary sign in accordance with this section, then the property owner or occupant of the lot where the sign is posted is responsible for the signs removal or replacement.
      (7)   The Zoning Administrator is authorized to remove any temporary sign posted in the public right-of-way in accordance with the policy of the Department.
   (B)   Temporary signs which require a permit. The following types of temporary signs require a permit issued in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter prior to the display of such signs.
      (1)   Temporary - Advertising Sign. A temporary sign that contains a message advertising a product or service sold or offered at the property where the sign is displayed, such as for business promotional events. A maximum of two temporary - advertising signs shall be permitted per lot. The fee for a permit for such sign shall be $10 per sign per 30 days. An individual temporary - advertising sign shall be displayed for no more than 90 consecutive days.
      (2)   Portable Signs. A maximum of one portable sign is permitted per lot. Such signs shall not exceed five feet in height and shall be displayed for no longer than 15 consecutive days with a minimum of 60 days between display periods. The fee for a permit for such sign shall be $25 per sign per placement.
   (C)   Temporary signs which do not require a permit. Such signs shall be limited in placement by the allowances of subsection 150.113(A)(1) above. The following types of temporary signs do not require a permit prior to display.
      (1)   A-frame, Tee-Pee or similarly constructed signs. A maximum of one A-frame, Tee-Pee, or similarly constructed sign is permitted per business per lot. Such sign shall only be displayed during the normal hours of operation of the subject business.
      (2)   Grand Opening/Closing Signs. A temporary sign announcing a business grand opening event or store closing event, or seeking employees. Such sign shall be displayed for no more than 30 consecutive days.
      (3)   Political Signs. A temporary sign announcing candidates seeking public office or identifying political issues. Political signs shall be no more than eight square feet in residential zoning districts and no more than 32 square feet in non-residential zoning districts. Signs announcing candidates seeking public office shall be removed within seven days following the election. The requirements of division (A)(1) above shall not apply to political signs.
      (4)   Real Estate Signs. A temporary sign announcing the sale or lease of a property or building space. Said sign shall be located on the property subject to the sale or lease and no more than one sign per street frontage shall be placed on a lot. A real estate sign shall be removed within seven days of the closing of the sale or execution of a lease for the property or space to which the sign pertains.
      (5)   Construction Signs. A temporary sign identifying the parties involved in the construction occurring on the lot on which the sign is displayed. Only one construction sign per street frontage may be placed on a lot. Construction signs shall be removed within seven days of the completion of the project.
      (6)   Garage Sale Signs. A temporary sign announcing a yard sale or garage sale. Garage sale signs shall be no more than five square feet and shall be posted not more than two days before and shall be removed within two days following the event, with a total time of display not to exceed six days.
      (7)   Community Event Signs. A temporary sign announcing a community or cultural event. Community event signs shall be displayed for no more than 30 days prior to the event and shall be removed within seven days of the conclusion of the event.
      (8)   Other Temporary Signs. Any other temporary sign that is not specifically noted above and that does not contain an advertising message. Such sign shall be displayed for no more than 30 consecutive days.
(Ord. 8612, passed 12-2-08; Am. Ord. 8912, passed 12-17-13)