(A)   Actions by the City Council are accomplished through motions, resolutions or ordinances. Motions are the most informal method of action since they are customarily made orally. They are, however, to be noted in the meeting minutes. A motion may be auxiliary to a more formal resolution or ordinance in the case of a motion that an ordinance be passed. Resolutions and ordinances shall be written before being submitted; however, an amendment to an ordinance added just before passage and later reduced to writing need not be in writing before it is passed.
   (B)   Resolutions are used for actions that are temporary only; which authorize a specific action or undertaking by the City; which grant a special privilege; or which express the opinion of the Council.
   (C)   Ordinances usually enact permanent regulations of a general character. As such, it sets forth a command or prohibition applicable to all inhabitants or to certain classes in the community, or relate generally to the operation of government.
(Ord. 7483, passed 8-21-90; Am. Ord. 8642, passed 3-3-09)