§ 31.12 VICE-MAYOR.
   (A)   There is hereby created the Office of Vice-Mayor as an officer of the City Council. The Vice-Mayor shall be elected by the City Council from among the Aldermen. The Vice-Mayor so elected shall serve a term of two years.
   (B)   During the temporary absence of the Mayor from the City or during the temporary disability of the Mayor, the Vice-Mayor shall preside over special and regular meetings of the City Council, but shall not have any of the other powers, duties and rights of the Mayor, except the Vice-Mayor shall have the power to call a special meeting of the City Council; provided, however, in the event that, during such temporary absence or temporary disability of the Mayor, an emergency shall exist within the City and the Mayor is unable to exercise his emergency powers as provided by law, then the Vice-Mayor shall exercise such emergency powers as set forth in the state statutes and the ordinances of the City.
   (C)   The Vice-Mayor shall receive no compensation for the office of Vice-Mayor, but shall receive the compensation associated with his office of Alderman.
   (D)   At special and regular meetings of the City Council when the Vice-Mayor presides, he shall vote in his capacity of Alderman.
   (E)   The Vice-Mayor shall cease to act in any capacity of the Mayor whenever the Mayor returns to the City, or the temporary disability of the Mayor is removed, or the City Council elects a Mayor Pro Tem. The City Council shall elect a Mayor Pro Tem only when it determines that the Mayor is unable to exercise the powers and duties of his office as a result of a temporary absence from the City or a temporary disability, and the limitations hereunder on the powers and duties of the Vice-Mayor render the Vice-Mayor incapable of properly managing the administrative branch of the City's government.
(Ord. 7483, passed 8-21-90; Am. Ord. 8642, passed 3-3-09)