It is unlawful for any owner to allow an animal to run at large within the corporate limits of the City. An animal, properly registered pursuant to Chapter 58 of this Code of Ordinances, shall not be deemed at large if:
1. The animal is on the premises of the owner or a person given charge of the animal by the owner and is either:
A. Restrained on those premises by an adequate protective fence, or by leash, cord, chain or other similar restraint that does not allow an animal to go beyond the owner's real property line; or
B. At all times within the actual physical presence of and immediately obedient to the commands of the owner or person given charge of the animal by the owner. At no time shall the animal be more than six feet from such person.
2. The animal is off the premises of the owner and is:
A. On a leash, cord, or chain or other similar restraint not more than six feet in length and under the control of a person competent to restrain and control the animal; or
B. Accompanied by the owner or other person competent to restrain and control the animal, and the animal is immediately obedient to voice or electronic commands of that person; or
C. Properly restrained within a motor vehicle.
3. The animal is properly housed in a veterinary hospital or registered kennel.
4. The owner and the animal are participating in a regularly scheduled competitive or exhibition event sanctioned or sponsored by a nationally recognized organization, local chapter thereof, or other generally recognized local organization.
5. The animal and the owner are actively engaged in a generally recognized animal obedience training program or training for a generally recognized kennel club event, provided:
A. The animal is in the actual presence of the owner or trainer at all times;
B. The owner or trainer is at no time more than 50 feet from the animal;
C. The animal is immediately obedient to the commands of the owner or trainer; and
D. The owner or trainer has, at all times, on his or her person a leash of sufficient strength to restrain the animal.
An animal shall be deemed to be at large if it is not properly registered or if it is not housed, restrained or controlled in one of the methods set forth above in this section. The owner of any animal allowed to run at large in violation of this section shall be guilty of a municipal infraction.
It is unlawful for the owner of a dog to allow or permit such dog to cause serious annoyance or disturbance to any person by frequent and habitual howling, yelping, barking, or otherwise, or by running after or chasing persons, bicycles, automobiles, or other vehicles.
1. Confinement. All high risk dogs shall be securely confined within an occupied house or residence or in a securely enclosed and locked pen or kennel, except when leashed on property owned or leased by the dog’s owner. Such pen, kennel, or structure must have secure sides and a secure top attached to the sides or in lieu of a top, walls at least six feet in height and at least six inches taller than any internal structure. All pens or other structures designed, constructed or used to confine high risk dogs must be locked with a key or combination lock when such animals are within the structure. Such structure must have a secure bottom, floor or foundation attached to the sides of the pen or the sides of the pen must be embedded in the ground no less than two (2) feet so as to prevent digging under the walls by the confined dog. All structures erected to house high risk dogs must comply with all zoning and building regulations of the City. All such structures must be adequately lighted and ventilated and kept in a clean and sanitary condition. No high risk dog may be kept on a porch, deck, patio or in any porch, deck, or patio of a house or structure that would allow the dog to exit such building on its own volition.
2. Leashing. No person shall permit a high risk dog to go outside its kennel or pen unless such dog is securely leashed with a leash no longer than six (6) feet in length, and further provided that when leashed such dog must be on property owned or leased by its owner. No person shall permit a high risk dog to be kept on a chain, rope, or other type of leash outside its kennel or pen unless both dog and leash are under the actual physical control of a person eighteen years of age or older. Such dogs may not be leashed to inanimate objects such as trees, posts, buildings, or any other object or structure.
3. At Large. A high risk dog which is found, more than twice in any calendar year, not to be confined as herein required, shall be required to be permanently removed from the City or destroyed. An animal which is returned to the City after removal shall be humanely destroyed.
4. Limit on Number. No residential dwelling shall have more than one high risk dog on its premises.
(Section 55.09 - Ord. 570 - Jul. 22 Supp.)
Every owner of a dog shall obtain a rabies vaccination for such animal. It is unlawful for any person to own or have a dog in said person’s possession, six months of age or over, which has not been vaccinated against rabies. Dogs kept in State or federally licensed kennels and not allowed to run at large are not subject to these vaccination requirements.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 351.33)
It is the duty of the owner of any dog, cat, or other animal that has bitten or attacked a person or any person having knowledge of such bite or attack to report this act to a local health or law enforcement official. It is the duty of physicians and veterinarians to report to the local board of health the existence of any animal known or suspected to be suffering from rabies.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 351.38)
If a local board of health receives information that an animal has bitten a person or that a dog or animal is suspected of having rabies, the board shall order the owner to confine such animal in the manner it directs. If the owner fails to confine such animal in the manner directed, the animal shall be apprehended and impounded by such board, and after 10 days the board may humanely destroy the animal. If such animal is returned to its owner, the owner shall pay the cost of impoundment. This section does not apply if a police service dog or a horse used by a law enforcement agency and acting in the performance of its duties has bitten a person.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 351.39)
1. Registered animals found at large in violation of this chapter shall be returned to their owner, provided that any one animal has not been found at large in violation of this chapter more than three times during the life of that animal. The owner of such a registered animal shall, however, be subject to the penalties provided for a municipal infraction.
2. Unregistered animals found at large in violation of this chapter, and any registered animal found at large in violation of this chapter on more than three occasions during that animal's lifetime, shall be seized and impounded.
When an animal has been apprehended and impounded, written notice shall be provided to the owner within two days after impoundment, if the owner’s name and current address can reasonably be determined by accessing a tag or other device that is on or part of the animal. Impounded animals may be recovered by the owner upon payment of impounding costs, and if an unvaccinated dog, by having it immediately vaccinated. If the owner fails to redeem the animal within seven days from the date that the notice is mailed, or if the owner cannot be located within seven days, the animal shall be disposed of in accordance with law or destroyed by euthanasia.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 351.37, 351.41)