(a) Required. Sidewalk construction is required along all public and private streets unless waived by the director.
(b) Design. All sidewalks must be designed and constructed to be barrier-free to the handicapped, and in accordance with the requirements contained in the Street Design Manual, the Standard Construction Details, and any other council approved plan as amended. When poles, standards, and fire hydrants must be placed in the proposed sidewalk alignment, the sidewalk must be widened as delineated in the Standard Construction Details to provide a three-foot-wide clear distance between the edge of the obstruction or overhang projection and the edge of the sidewalk.
(c) Timing of construction. All sidewalks in the parkways of thoroughfares must be constructed concurrently with the thoroughfare or, if the thoroughfare is already constructed, before the acceptance of any improvements. Construction of sidewalks along improved minor streets must be completed before a certificate of occupancy is issued or before a final inspection of buildings or improvements constructed on the property.
(d) Waiver of sidewalks. A person desiring a waiver of a sidewalk requirement shall make application to the director.
(1) In this subsection:
(A) MID-BLOCK LOT means a lot that is not a corner lot.
(B) CORNER LOT means a lot that is located at the intersection of two or more streets.
(2) The director may grant a waiver under these conditions:
(A) In general. These conditions apply to all waiver requests.
(i) If sidewalk construction would cause drainage, safety, or other engineering issues that cannot be feasibly addressed as determined by the director.
(ii) If a city approved and funded sidewalk construction project is planned to begin within one year of the waiver application submittal.
(iii) If the waiver will not have an adverse effect on neighboring properties.
(B) Mid-block lot. If sidewalks do not exist on the adjacent lots and on more than 80 percent of the lots on the same blockface.
(C) Corner lot. If sidewalks do not exist on any of the mid-block lots on the same blockface and the lot is not located within one-quarter mile, as measured along street frontages, from a transit stop, school, park, playground, or other pedestrian accessible destination.
(3) The denial of a waiver application must clearly state the specific reasons why the waiver conditions were not satisfied.
(4) Waivers for sidewalks on separate frontages of corner lots shall be determined independently for each blockface, but will require only one fee.
(a) Generally. All median openings, driveway approaches, driveways, and extra lanes including left turn lanes, right turn lanes, acceleration/deceleration lanes, and other extra lanes must be located, designed, and constructed in accordance with the current standards of the department of public works.
(b) When required. Left turn lanes are required to serve median openings providing access to the proposed plat. Other extra lanes must be designed and constructed as part of the subdivision infrastructure improvements when:
(1) they are required by the thoroughfare plan;
(2) they are required by the zoning district in which the property is located; or
(3) they are recommended and approved by the director and the chief planning officer for proper traffic management.
(c) Spacing of openings. Median openings must be at least 400 feet from median openings serving thoroughfare intersections with divided thoroughfares, measured between the noses of the median. Median openings serving minor streets and driveway approaches along a divided thoroughfare must be at least 300 feet apart, measured between the noses of the median, unless the traffic engineer determines that the potential vehicular traffic in the area does not require 300-foot spacing. The minimum median opening width is 60 feet. Wider openings may be required in order to facilitate truck turning movements. Median openings and left turn pockets must be constructed at the intersection of all streets and drive approaches that generate 250 trips in a 12-hour period.
(d) Relocation of openings. Existing median openings may be relocated if:
(1) the existing opening does not provide service to a public or private street;
(2) the proposed median opening meets the spacing requirements stated in Subsection (c) of this section;
(3) the existing opening is no longer in use or the owners of the properties being served by the existing opening sign a document requesting or approving the change, and the document is approved by the city attorney’s office; and
(4) the proposed relocation is shown on engineering plans approved by the director.
(e) Driveways and driveway approaches. Driveways must be designed and constructed to provide proper site drainage and to maintain the conveyance of existing drainage in public and private streets. A separate street cut permit is required for each driveway approach accessing a thoroughfare. Driveways may be constructed concurrently with street construction, or with building construction, but must be completed before the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, or final inspection of the buildings or improvements on the property. (Ord. Nos. 20092; 21186; 22026; 23384; 25047; 28073; 28424; 29478; 30239; 30654)