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   (a)   Initial registration. A person required to register as a lobbyist under this article shall file a separate registration for each client. A registrant who makes more than one lobbying contact for the same client shall file a single registration form covering all lobbying contacts for that client. If the registrant is not an individual, an authorized officer or agent of the registrant must file the form. An initial registration form relating to a client must be filed by a person required to register under this article within five days after the start of lobbying activity for that client, except that initial registration of a client in a zoning case must be filed within five days after the zoning application is filed with the city. In no event shall a registrant knowingly fail to register, or knowingly fail to disclose such registration to relevant city officials, prior to official city action relating to the subject matter of the lobbying activity.
   (b)   Subsequent annual registration. Subsequent registration forms must be filed annually by January 15 for each client for whom a registrant previously filed or was required to file an initial registration form in the prior registration year if lobbying activities are still being conducted or will foreseeably be conducted for the client during the new registration year.
   (c)   Required disclosures. An initial or subsequent registration must be filed on the form and in the manner prescribed by the city secretary and must include, to the extent applicable, the following information:
      (1)   The full name, telephone number, permanent address, and nature of the business of:
         (A)   the registrant;
         (B)   the client;
         (C)   any person, other than the client, on whose behalf the registrant has been engaged by the client to lobby;
         (D)   any person, other than the client, who is known by the registrant to contribute financially to the compensation of the registrant, or who, in whole or in major part, plans, supervises, or controls the registrant's lobbying activities on behalf of the client;
         (E)   any lobbying firm for which the registrant is an agent or employee with respect to the client; and
         (F)   each employee or agent of the registrant who has acted or whom the registrant expects to act as a lobbyist on behalf of the client.
      (2)   A statement of all municipal questions on which the registrant:
         (A)   has lobbied for the client in the calendar quarter in which the registration is filed and in the three months preceding the filing of the registration, including the name of each city official contacted by the registrant on behalf of the client with regard to each municipal question and the type of contact made with the city official (in person, telephone call, letter, electronic mail, etc.); or
         (B)   will foreseeably lobby for the client in the calendar quarter in which the registration is filed and in the three months following the filing of the registration.
      (3)   If the municipal question relates to a zoning case, the name of each city official contacted and the type of contact made (in person, telephone call, letter, electronic mail, etc.) by the registrant on behalf of the client from the time the registrant began lobbying activities relating to the zoning case until the time the registrant filed a registration for the client in compliance with this section.
      (4)   Disclosure of any employment or arrangement to lobby for the client on a contingent fee basis.
      (5)   A list of any positions held by the registrant as a city official or city employee, as those terms are defined in Section 12A-2, during the 24 months preceding the filing of the registration.
      (6)   A statement that, by filing the registration, the registrant swears or affirms under penalty of perjury that, to the best of the registrant's knowledge, all information contained in the registration is true and correct and that the registration is complete and includes all information required to be disclosed under this article.
      (7)   If the registrant is a former city official or employee, a statement that, by filing the registration, the registrant swears or affirms that, to the best of the registrant's knowledge, the registrant's lobbying activities have not violated and will not foreseeably violate Article III of this chapter, which governs former city officials and employees.
   (d)   Fee. At the time of filing an initial or subsequent annual registration, a registrant shall pay to the city an annual registration fee of $300. A separate registration fee is not required for each additional client registered during a registration year. All lobbyist registration fees must be deposited into a separate account within the general fund, which account must be used to offset the costs of administering the city's lobbyist registration program and the costs of handling disclosure filings. (Ord. Nos. 27748; 32072 ; 32472 )