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   (a)   All meetings of a board shall be open to the public unless pertaining to matters authorized under the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amended, to be discussed in executive session. All actions of the board shall be public and sufficient copies of the minutes shall be made available by the coordinating city staff member to the news media and other interested persons upon request.
   (b)   When meeting in executive session, a board shall publicly announce the category under the Texas Open Meetings Act that permits the executive session, tape record the executive session, and comply with all other requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act applicable to executive sessions.
   (c)   A printed agenda of items to be considered at each regular meeting shall be posted for public inspection at least three days prior to the meeting.
   (d)   A board that has rulemaking or quasi-judicial power shall allow any member of the public to address the board regarding any item on the board's posted agenda at a designated time before or during the board's consideration of the item. A board may adopt reasonable rules regarding the public's right to address the body, including rules that limit the total amount of time that a member of the public may address the body.
   (e)   If a board that has rulemaking or quasi-judicial power adopts a rule placing a time limit on public comments, any member of the public requiring the use of a translator to relay public comments shall be afforded twice the amount of time as a member of the public who does not require a translator.
   (f)   Compliance with this section shall be the responsibility of the city department designated to provide staff support to the board. The city secretary shall be responsible for establishing guidelines for the security of all tapes on which board executive sessions are recorded pursuant to Subsection (b). (Ord. Nos. 14180; 20302; 20488; 30555; 31350)