A.   Regulations:
      1.   On any highway:
         a.   The operator of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall:
            (1)   Except as provided under Utah Code Annotated, section 41-6a-705, promptly pass the overtaken vehicle on the left at a safe distance; and
            (2)   Enter a right-hand lane or the right side of the roadway only when safely clear of the overtaken vehicle.
         b.   The operator of an overtaken vehicle:
            (1)   Shall give way to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle; and
            (2)   May not increase the speed of the vehicle until completely passed by the overtaking vehicle.
         c.   The exemption from the minimum speed regulations for a vehicle operating on a grade under Utah Code Annotated, section 41-6a-605 does not exempt the vehicle from promptly passing a vehicle as required under subsection A1a(1) of this section.
      2.   On a highway having more than one lane in the same direction, the operator of a vehicle traveling in the left general purpose lane:
         a.   Shall, upon being overtaken by another vehicle in the same lane, yield to the overtaking vehicle by moving safely to a lane to the right; and
         b.   May not impede the movement or free flow of traffic in the left general purpose lane.
      3.   An operator of a vehicle traveling in the left general purpose lane that has a vehicle following directly behind the operator's vehicle at a distance so that less than two (2) seconds elapse before reaching the location of the operator's vehicle when space is available for the operator to yield to the overtaking vehicle by traveling in the right-hand lane is prima facie evidence that the operator is violating subsection A2 of this section.
      4.   The provisions of subsection A2 of this section do not apply to an operator of a vehicle traveling in the left general purpose lane when:
         a.   Overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction in accordance with subsection A1a of this section;
         b.   Preparing to turn left or taking a different highway or an exit on the left;
         c.   Responding to emergency conditions;
         d.   Avoiding actual or potential traffic moving onto the highway from an acceleration or merging lane; or
         e.   Following the direction of a traffic-control device that directs the use of a designated lane.
      5.   An individual may engage in lane filtering only when the following conditions exist:
         a.   The individual is operating a motorcycle;
         b.   The individual is on a roadway divided into two (2) or more adjacent traffic lanes in the same direction of travel;
         c.   The individual is on a roadway with a speed limit of forty five (45) miles per hour or less;
         d.   The vehicle being overtaken in the same lane is stopped;
         e.   The motorcycle is traveling at a speed of fifteen (15) miles per hour or less; and
         f.   The movement may be made safely.
      6.   As used in this section:
HIGHWAY: Means the entire width between property lines of every way or place of any nature when any part of it is open to the use of the public as a matter of right for vehicular travel.
LANE FILTERING: Means, when operating a motorcycle other than an autocycle, the act of overtaking and passing another vehicle that is stopped in the same direction of travel in the same lane.
         a.   A motor vehicle, other than a tractor, having a seat or saddle for the use of the rider and designed to travel with not more than three (3) wheels in contact with the ground; or
         b.   An autocycle.
         a.   A human driver, as defined in Utah Code Annotated, section 41-26-102.1, that operates a vehicle; or
         b.   An automated driving system, as defined in Utah Code Annotated, section 41-26-102.1, that operates a vehicle.
TRAFFIC-CONTROL DEVICE: Means a sign, signal, marking, or device not inconsistent with this chapter placed or erected by a highway authority for the purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding traffic.
VEHICLE: Means a device in, on, or by which a person or property is or may be transported or drawn on a highway, except a mobile carrier, as defined in Utah Code Annotated, section 41-6a-1120, or a device used exclusively on stationary rails or tracks.
         a.   "Vehicle" includes a motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, off-highway vehicle, camper, park model recreational vehicle, manufactured home, and mobile home.
      7.   A violation of subsection A1, A2, or A5 of this section is an infraction. (Ord. 19-12, 7-30-2019)