In order to control sediment pollution of water resources, the owner or person responsible for the development area, shall use conservation planning and practices to maintain the level of conservation established in the following standards.
(a) The plan shall include measures that control the flow of runoff from disturbed areas so as to prevent soil erosion from occurring.
(b) Structural practices shall be used to control erosion and trap sediment from areas remaining disturbed for more than fourteen days. Non-structural preservation measures are also available. The SWP3 must make use of such practices that preserve the existing natural condition to the maximum extent practicable. Such practices may include preserving riparian areas, preserving the existing vegetation and vegetative buffer strips, phasing of construction operations in order to minimize the amount of disturbed land at any one time, minimizing disturbance of steep slopes, designation of tree preservation areas or other protective clearing or grubbing practices. Soil compaction shall be minimized and unless infeasible, topsoil shall be preserved. Provide and maintain a fifty-foot buffer of undisturbed natural vegetation around surface waters of the State, or riparian or wetland setbacks, if applicable, whichever is greater, unless maintaining this buffer is infeasible (e.g., stream crossings for roads or utilities, or for channel and floodplain rehabilitation and restoration). Direct stormwater to vegetated areas to increase sediment removal and maximize stormwater infiltration. Infiltration facilities should be designed to meet all criteria in Rainwater and Land Development.
(c) Sediment Barriers. Sheet flow runoff from denuded areas shall be intercepted by silt fence or diversions to protect adjacent properties and water resources from sediment. Where intended to provide sediment control, silt fence shall be placed on a level contour. The relationship between the maximum drainage areas to silt fence for a particular slope is shown in the table below. Placing silt fence in a parallel series does not extend the size of the drainage area. The design, installation, and maintenance of erosion and sediment controls shall address factors such as the amount, frequency, intensity, and duration of precipitation, the nature of resulting stormwater runoff, and soil characteristics, including the range of soil particle sizes expected to be present on the site.
Table 1: Silt Fence Applicability
Maximum Drainage Area (in Acres) to 100 Linear Feet of Silt Fence Based on Slope | Range of Slope for a Particular Drainage Area |
0.5 | <2% |
0.25 | ≥ 2% but < 20% |
0.125 | ≥ 20% but < 50% |
This does not preclude the use of other sediment barriers designed to control sheet flow runoff. The total runoff flow treated by a sediment barrier shall not exceed the design capacity for that sediment barrier. Straw bale barriers are not acceptable. Detail drawings and plan notes shall specify the diameter of filter socks, compost berms, and other such alternative perimeter controls if used instead of silt fence.
(d) Storm Water Diversion Practices. Storm water diversion practices shall be used to keep runoff away from disturbed areas and steep slopes where practicable. Such practices, which include swales, dikes or berms, pipe slope drains, and diversions, may receive storm water runoff from areas up to ten acres. Storm water diversion practices alone are not considered a sediment control practice unless used in conjunction with a sediment settling pond. Velocity dissipation devices shall be placed at discharge locations and along the length of any outfall channel to provide non-erosive flow velocity from the structure to a water course so that the natural, physical, and biological characteristics and functions are maintained and protected. Concentrated stormwater runoff from BMPs to natural wetlands shall be converted to diffuse flow through the use of level spreaders or other such appropriate measures before the runoff enters the wetlands. The flows should be released so no erosion occurs downslope. Level spreaders may be needed in series to ensure non-erosive velocities.
(e) All sediment control practices must be capable of ponding runoff in order to be considered functional.
(f) Clearing and grubbing will be done in two or more phases. The first phase will include only those locations necessary to install the perimeter soil erosion, sediment, and storm water control BMPs. After the perimeter controls are in place and functioning, the remaining phase(s) of clearing and grubbing may continue.
(g) Timing of Sediment Trapping Practices. Sediment control practices shall be functional throughout all phases of up slope earth disturbing activity. Settling facilities, perimeter controls, and other practices intended to trap sediment shall be implemented prior to grading and within seven days from the start of grubbing. They shall continue to function until the up slope development area is permanently re-stabilized. As construction progresses and the topography is altered, appropriate controls must be constructed or existing controls altered to address the changing drainage patterns.
(h) Stabilization of Denuded Areas. Disturbed areas must be stabilized as specified in the tables below, or according to the Ohio EPA NPDES Storm Water Permit Rules, whichever is most restrictive:
Table 2: Permanent Stabilization
Area Requiring Permanent Stabilization | Time Frame to Apply Erosion Controls |
Any areas that will lie dormant for one year or more | Within seven days of the most recent disturbance |
Any areas within 50 feet of a stream and at final grade | Within two days of reaching final grade |
Any other areas at final grade | Within seven days of reaching final grade within that area |
Table 3: Temporary Stabilization
Area Requiring Temporary Stabilization | Time Frame to Apply Erosion Controls |
Any disturbed areas within 50 feet of a surface water of the State and not at final grade. | Within two days of the most recent disturbance if the area will remain idle for 14 days or more. |
Disturbed areas that will be dormant for more than 14 days but less than one year and not within 50 feet of a surface water of the State. | Within seven days of the most recent disturbance within the area. |
Residential subdivisions for disturbance which has occurred on building lots. | Within seven days of the most recent disturbance if housing unit construction on the lot is not scheduled to begin within 21 days of the disturbance. In any case, temporary or permanent stabilization will be properly installed, pursuant to the most recent edition of the Ohio Rain Water and Land Development Manual, before the second building permit is issued. |
Non-residential subdivisions and commercial developments. | Within seven days of the most recent disturbance if further construction activity will not occur within 21 days of the disturbance. Where vegetative stabilization techniques may cause structural instability or are otherwise prohibited, alternative stabilization techniques must be employed. |
Disturbed areas that will be idle over winter. | Prior to the onset of winter weather or November 1st, whichever occurs first. |
(i) Sediment Settling Ponds. A sediment settling pond is required for any one of the following conditions:
(1) Concentrated storm water runoff (e.g., storm sewer or ditch);
(2) Runoff from drainage areas, which exceed the design capacity of silt fence or other sediment barriers;
(3) Runoff from drainage areas that exceed the design capacity of inlet protection; or
(4) Runoff from common drainage locations with ten or more acres of disturbed land. Alternative controls can be used if the owner can show, in writing, that the Ohio EPA approved the use of alternatives that the owner demonstrated to be equivalent in effectiveness to a sediment settling pond.
(5) Where storm sewer drainage areas include five or more acres disturbed at one time, a temporary (or permanent) sediment settling pond must be provided until final stabilization of the site. In single-family residential construction, final stabilization is after the houses are built and permanent landscaping is done.
(6) It is recommended that for drainage locations of less than ten acres, smaller sediment settling basins and/or sediment traps be used.
(7) Each facility's storage capacity shall be no less than 1,800 cubic feet of dewatering zone area per acre of total contributing drainage area and 1,000 cubic feet per disturbed acre of sediment storage zone area. The storage volume will be measured from the bottom of the basin to the top of the primary (principle) spillway.
(8) Permanent storm water management ponds that are designed to trap sediment during construction shall be designed to provide for a slow release of sediment-laden water. The draw down time must be at least forty-eight hours, or meet the criteria in the Ohio Rain Water and Land Development Manual, whichever is most stringent.
(9) The design configuration between inlet(s) and the outlet of settling ponds must provide at least two units of length for each one unit of width; a length to width radio of 4:1 is recommended.
(10) The depth of the dewatering zone of the sediment settling pond must be less than or equal to five feet.
(11) Sediment must be removed from the sediment settling ponds when the design capacity has been reduced by forty percent.
(12) Public safety, especially as it relates to children, must be considered in the design. Alternative sediment controls must be used where site limitations would preclude a safe design.
(13) Temporary sediment settling ponds will not be constructed in any stream channel.
(14) The skimmer shall be designed per the equivalent requirement of sediment basins and the operator must ensure that the outlet structure of the pond provides an equivalent or better sediment storage and dewatering zone. As such, temporarily while the site is under construction, there shall be no discharge of runoff below the elevation required for the sediment storage zone and the discharge of stormwater within the dewatering zone shall only occur through the skimmer.
(j) Storm Sewer Inlet Protection.
(1) All storm sewer inlets that accept water runoff from the development area shall be protected so that sediment-laden water will not enter the storm sewer, unless the storm drain system drains to a sediment settling pond and is exempted in writing by the Village Engineer and thereafter approved by Village Council. In areas where construction will be ongoing, such as subdivisions, the storm sewer protection shall be maintained until all up slope areas reach final stabilization, as determined by the Village Engineer. Streets and catch basins shall be kept free of sediment tracked off site. Straw, hay bales, and filter socks around catch basins are not acceptable forms of inlet protection.
(2) All inlets receiving runoff from drainage areas of one or more acres will require a sediment settling pond.
(3) At the end of this period the site owner shall hydraulically clean and videotape the storm sewers to the satisfaction of the Village Engineer. All sediments shall be removed from the system and shall not be flushed downstream. The Village shall be provided with two copies of the videotape.
(k) Storm Sewer & Other Drainage Outlets. All storm sewers, footer drains, roof gutter drains, and all other drains will be outletted at the bottom of the slope. The slope below the outlet will be able to control the water being drained through the storm sewer or other drains without causing erosion of the stream or channel banks or channel bottom or other areas that the water is outletted on.
(l) Working Near or Crossing Streams and Wetlands.
(1) Construction vehicles shall avoid water resources, wetlands, riparian areas, and their setbacks. If construction vehicles must cross these areas during construction, an approved temporary crossing shall be constructed. Streams, including intermittent streams with a defined bed and banks, shall be restabilized immediately after in-channel work is completed, interrupted, or stopped. Erodible materials will not be used in making stream crossings.
(2) No soil, rock, debris, or other material shall be dumped or placed into a water resource or into such proximity that it may slough, slip, or erode into a water resource unless such dumping or placing is authorized by the approving authority and, when applicable, the US Army Corps of Engineers and Ohio EPA, for such purposes as, but not limited to, constructing bridges, culverts, and erosion or sediment control structures.
(3) If construction activities disturb areas adjacent to streams, structural practices shall be designed and implemented on site to protect the adjacent streams from the impacts of sediment runoff.
(4) No temporary or permanent sediment controls will be constructed in a stream channel.
(5) Streams setbacks required by the community will be implemented in accordance with Chapter 1270.
(6) If a culvert or other closed bottom crossing is used, twenty-five percent of the cross-sectional area or a minimum of one foot of a box culvert or pipe arch must be embedded below the channel bed. The conduit or conveyance must be sized to carry the 25-year storm under these conditions.
(m) Construction Entrance.
(1) Measures shall be taken to prevent soil transport onto public roads or surfaces where runoff is not checked by sediment controls.
(2) Stone with geotextile construction entrance(s) shall be implemented as required by the Village Engineer and the Ohio EPA. These will be planned and installed according to the requirements in the most recent edition of the Ohio Rain Water and Land Development Manual.
(3) Where soil is transported onto a public road surface, the roads shall be cleaned thoroughly at the end of each day, or more frequently, in order to ensure public safety. Soil shall be removed from paved surfaces by shoveling or sweeping. Street washing shall be allowed only after shoveling or sweeping has removed most of the sediment and street sewer inlet protection is properly installed unless end of sewer sediment ponds exist and are properly functioning.
(4) Erodible material ramps in streets will not be used to enable equipment to cross curbs. Non-erosive materials (e.g. wood and stone) can be used.
(n) Unstable Soils.
(1) Unstable soils will be as determined by the Cuyahoga County Soil Survey or by a detailed soils report.
(2) The Village Engineer may require detailed soil reports when deemed necessary.
(3) Unstable soils prone to slipping or land sliding shall not be graded, excavated, filled, or have loads imposed upon them unless the work is performed in accordance with a qualified professional engineer's recommendations to correct, eliminate, or adequately address the problems.
(o) Cut and Fill Slopes. Cut and fill slopes shall be designed and constructed in a manner that will minimize erosion and slippage. Consideration shall be given to the length and steepness of the slope, soil type, up slope drainage area, groundwater conditions, and slope stabilization. The minimum final unreinforced soil slopes will have a horizontal to vertical ratio of 3:1, or as otherwise approved by the Village Engineer.
(p) Stabilization of Outfalls and Channels. Outfalls and constructed or modified channels shall be designed and constructed to withstand the expected velocity of flow from the planned post-development frequency storm without eroding. The planned post-construction velocity and flow shall include the entire contributing watershed. Velocity dissipation devices shall be placed at discharge locations and along the length of any outfall channel to provide non-erosive velocity from the structure to a water course so that the natural physical and biological characteristics and functions are maintained and protected.
(q) Establishment of Permanent Vegetation. A permanent vegetative cover shall be established on denuded areas not otherwise permanently stabilized. Permanent vegetation shall not be considered established until ground cover is achieved which, in the opinion of the Village Engineer, has eighty percent vegetative density over the entire disturbed area and provides adequate cover, and is mature enough to satisfactorily control soil erosion and survive adverse weather conditions.
(r) Disposition of Temporary Practices. All temporary soil erosion and sediment control practices shall be disposed of immediately after final site stabilization is achieved or after the temporary practices are no longer needed, unless otherwise required by the Village Engineer. Trapped sediment shall be permanently stabilized to prevent further erosion. The construction maintenance guarantee shall not be released by the Village until all temporary soil erosion and sediment control practices that are no longer needed have been removed, properly disposed of, and any trapped sediment has been stabilized.
(s) Underground Utility Construction. The construction of underground utility lines, pipes, etc. shall be subject to the following criteria:
(1) Trenches shall remain open for no more than five days;
(2) There shall be no turbid discharges to surface waters resulting from dewatering activities. If trench or ground water contains sediment, it must pass through a sediment settling pond or other equally effective sediment control device, prior to being discharged from the construction site or to waters of the state; and
(3) When discharging clean ground water, care must be taken to ensure that it does not become pollutant laden by crossing over disturbed soils or other pollutant sources.
(t) Inspections.
(1) If inspections or other information indicates a control has been used inappropriately or incorrectly or it has failed, it must be replaced or modified for the site conditions.
(2) The owner of the development area shall have the site inspected for soil erosion, sediment control and other environmental concerns every seven calendar days, and within twenty-four hours of a 0.5 inch or greater rainfall event until the maintenance organization obtains certification reflecting the site's stability from the Village's Engineer. Such certification does not relieve the permittee from meeting the Ohio EPA NPDES inspection requirements.
(3) The inspection frequency may be reduced to at least once every month if the entire site is temporarily stabilized or runoff is unlikely due to weather conditions (e.g., the site is covered with snow, ice, or the ground is frozen.). A waiver of inspection requirements is available until one month before thawing conditions are expected to result in a discharge if all of the following conditions are met: the project is located in an area where frozen conditions are anticipated to continue for extended periods of time (i.e., more than one month); land disturbance activities have been suspended; and the beginning and ending dates of the waiver period are documented.
(4) Following each inspection, a checklist must be completed and signed by the qualified inspection personnel representative and submitted to the Village Engineer. At a minimum, the inspection report must include:
A. The inspection date;
B. Names, titles, and qualifications of personnel making the inspection;
C. Weather information for the period since the last inspection including the timing, duration, and depth of any storms;
D. Weather information and a description of any discharges occurring at the time of the inspection;
E. Location(s) of discharges of sediment or other pollutants from the site;
F. Location(s) of BMPs that need to be maintained;
G. Location(s) of BMPs that failed to operate as designed or proved inadequate for a particular location;
H. Location(s) where additional BMPs are needed that did not exist at the time of the inspection; and,
I. Corrective action required including any necessary changes to the comprehensive storm water management plan and implementation dates.
(5) The inspection log will include the date and actions taken to correct problems noted in past inspection logs.
(6) Disturbed areas and areas used for storage of materials that are exposed to precipitation shall be inspected for evidence of, or the potential for, pollutants entering the drainage system.
(7) Erosion and sediment controls identified in the SMP shall be observed to ensure that they are operating correctly.
(8) Discharge locations shall be inspected to ascertain whether erosion and sediment control measures are effective in preventing significant impacts to the receiving waters.
(9) Locations where vehicles enter or exit the site shall be inspected for evidence of off-site vehicle tracking.
(10) Sensitive areas including riparian and wetland setbacks shall be observed to ensure that they remain well marked and undisturbed.
(11) If the inspection reveals that a control practice is in need of repair or maintenance, with the exception of sediment settling ponds, it must be repaired or maintained within three days of the inspection. Sediment settling ponds must be repaired or maintained within ten days of the inspection.
(12) If any inspection reveals that a control practice fails to perform its intended function and that another, more appropriate control practice is required, the Construction Site Conservation Plan must be amended and the new control practice must be installed within ten days of the inspection. The amended plan must be submitted to, and approved by, the Village Engineer prior to installation of the new control practice.
(13) If the inspection reveals that a control practice has not been implemented in the time required by this chapter it must be installed within ten days from the date of inspection.
(14) If the inspection reveals that a planned control practice is not needed, the record must contain a statement of explanation as to why the control practice is not needed.
(u) Inspection and Maintenance Agreement. The inspection and maintenance agreement required for SCMs under this regulation as a stand-alone document between the Village and the applicant. A copy of this agreement should be attached to the property deed. The agreement shall contain the following information and provisions:
(1) Identification of the landowner(s), organization, or municipality responsible for long-term inspection and maintenance, including repairs, of the SCMs.
(2) The landowner(s), organization, or municipality shall maintain SCMs in accordance with this regulation.
(3) The Village has the authority to enter upon the property to conduct inspections as necessary, with prior notification of the property owner, to verify that the SCMs are being maintained and operated in accordance with this regulation.
(4) The Village shall maintain public records of the results of site inspections, shall inform the landowner(s), organization, or municipality responsible for maintenance of the inspection results, and shall specifically indicate in writing any corrective actions required to bring the SCMs into proper working condition.
(5) If the Village notifies the landowner(s), organization, or municipality responsible for maintenance of the maintenance problems that require correction, the specific corrective actions shall be taken within a reasonable time as determined by the Village.
(6) The Village is authorized to enter upon the property and perform the corrective actions identified in the inspection report if the landowner(s), organization, or municipality responsible for maintenance does not make the required corrections in the specified time period. The Village shall be reimbursed by the landowner(s), organization, or municipality responsible for maintenance for all expenses incurred within ten days of receipt of invoice from the Village, or more with written approval from the Village Engineer.
(7) The method of funding long-term maintenance and inspections of all SCMs.
(8) A release of the Village from all damages, accidents, casualties, occurrences, or claims that might arise or be asserted against the Village from the construction presence, existence, or maintenance of SCMs.
(v) Inspection and Maintenance Plan. This plan will be developed by the applicant and reviewed by the Village. Once the Inspection and Maintenance Plan is approved, a recorded copy of the Plan must be submitted to the Village as part of the final inspection approval. The plan will include at a minimum:
(1) The location of each SCM and identification of the drainage area served by each SCM.
(2) Photographs of each SCM, including all inlets and outlets upon completion of construction.
(3) Schedule of inspection.
(4) A schedule for regular maintenance for each aspect of the stormwater management system and description of routine and non-routine maintenance tasks to ensure continued performance of the system as is detailed in the approved Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan. A maintenance inspection checklist written so the average person can understand it shall be incorporated. The maintenance plan will include a detailed drawing of each SCM and outlet structures with the parts of the outlet structure labeled. This schedule may include additional standards, as required by the Village Engineer, to ensure continued performance of SCMs permitted to be located in, or within fifty feet of, water resources.
(5) The location and documentation of all access and maintenance easements on the property.
(6) Alteration or termination of these stipulations is prohibited.
(w) Control of Materials and Debris. Site management practices shall be implemented to prevent toxic materials, hazardous materials, or other debris from entering the Village's and State's water resources or wetlands. These practices shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) A covered dumpster shall be made available for the proper disposal of construction site waste materials, garbage, plaster, drywall, grout, gypsum, etc. A second covered dumpster will be provided for the proper disposal of toxic and hazardous wastes.
(2) The washing of excess concrete material into a street, catch basin, or other public facility or natural resource is prohibited. A designated area for concrete washouts shall be made available and used for all concrete washouts. The discharge of washout and cleanout of stucco, paint, form release oils, curing compounds, and other construction materials to a street, catch basin, other public facility, natural resource or waters of the State is prohibited. The discharge of soaps or solvents used in vehicle and equipment washing is also prohibited. If generated, these wastewaters must be collected and disposed of properly.
(3) All fuel tanks and drums shall be stored in a marked storage area. A dike shall be constructed around this storage area with a minimum capacity equal to 110 percent of the volume of the largest container in the storage area and/or a spill kit shall be provided to clean up spills. The SWP3 shall contain spill prevention and response procedures and these procedures shall be discussed at the pre-construction meeting. All additional requirements of the local fire authority must be followed. If the fuel tanks have a self-contained “dike,” the plug will be kept in the “dike” tank at all times.
(4) Any toxic or hazardous wastes and/or contaminated soils must be disposed of according to all applicable environmental laws and statutes. The discharge of fuels, oils, and other pollutants used in vehicle and equipment operation and maintenance is prohibited.
(5) On a site with a prior industrial land use or a site that is contaminated with gasoline, fuel oil, hydrocarbon based chemicals or other Ohio EPA regulated contaminates, the storm water is considered wastewater. A permit from Ohio EPA is required to address these sites.
(6) Proper permits shall be obtained for development projects on solid waste landfill sites.
(7) Paint, paint washing liquids, excess paints, and other paint wastes are considered solid wastes and shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable State regulations. Appropriate handling of these wastes shall occur at the site so as to prevent the discharge of these wastes into surface or ground waters.
A. Water-based paint washing liquids and small quantities of excess water based paints may be disposed of by flushing down a connected sanitary sewer but may not be disposed of in an on-lot disposal system.
B. All other paints, paint thinners, and paint cleaning materials will be disposed of in the site's hazardous waste disposal dumpster.
(8) Restroom facilities will be provided for site workers at all times that workers are present on the site and during all phases of the construction.
(9) All required permits from appropriate Federal, State, or local agencies are required to develop land with a previous industrial or commercial use or another use that may have led to soil contamination by a regulated pollutant. Where construction activities are to occur on sites with contamination from previous activities, operators shall be aware that concentrations of materials that meet other criteria (i.e. not considered a hazardous waste, meeting Voluntary Action Program (VAP standards)) may still result in stormwater discharges in excess of Ohio Water Quality Standards. Such discharges are not authorized by this code. Control measures which may be utilized to meet this requirement include, but are not limited to: May 2016 24 i. Use berms, trenches, pits or tanks to collect contaminated runoff and prevent discharge. ii. Pump runoff from contaminated soils to the sanitary sewer with the prior approval of the sanitary sewer system operator, or pump into a container for transport to an appropriate treatment or disposal facility; and iii. Cover areas of contamination with tarps, daily cover or other such methods to prevent storm water from coming into contact with contaminated materials. The SWP3 must include methods to minimize the exposure of building materials, building products, construction wastes, trash, landscape materials, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, detergents, and sanitary waste to precipitation, stormwater runoff, and snow melt. The SWP3 shall include measures to prevent and respond to chemical spills and leaks. Applicants may also reference the existence of other plans (i.e., Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plans, spill control programs, safety response plans, etc.) provided that such plan addresses this requirement and a copy of such plan is maintained on site.
(x) Pre-winter Stabilization. If the development area will, or is planned to remain, active through the winter months, the owner of the development area shall hold a pre-winter stabilization meeting. The meeting will be held before October 1st. The owner shall invite the operator, developer, engineer, contractor, Village Engineer and anyone else requested by the Village Engineer to the meeting.
(y) Storm Water Basins.
(1) Pool geometry. The minimum length-to-width ratio for the pond is 3:1.
(2) Riser in embankment. The riser shall be located within the embankment for purposes of maintenance access. Access to the riser will be by manholes.
(3) Principal spillway. Each principal spillway shall be designed in accordance with the NRCS standards and specifications for the office serving the county. Each principal spillway shall have the capacity to pass the 100-year design storm flow. The inlet or riser size for the pipe drops shall be designed so that the flow through the structure goes from weir flow control to pipe flow control without going into orifice control in the riser. The crest elevation of the primary spillway shall be no less than one foot below the emergency spillway crest. Premium joint pipe is required and a removable trash rack shall be installed at each location. Anti-seep collars shall be provided for all pipe conduits through an embankment.
(4) Emergency spillway. An emergency spillway shall be provided on each storm water management basin. Emergency spillways shall convey flood flows safely past the embankment, and shall be designed in accordance with NRCS standards and specifications for the office serving the local county. Emergency spillways shall have a 100-year design storm capacity unless exempted in writing by the Village Engineer and thereafter approved by Village Council.
(5) Embankments. Each dam embankment shall be designed in accordance with the ODNR and NRCS standards and specifications for the office serving the county that the project is located in. Anti-seep collars shall be provided for all pipe conduits through an embankment.
(6) Safety features.
A. The primary spillway opening shall not permit access to the public and other non-maintenance personnel.
B. The perimeter of all water pool areas that are deeper than three feet shall be surrounded by benches that meet the following:
1. A safety bench, with a maximum slope of three percent, which extends outward, on dry land, from the shoreline. This bench will be a minimum of twenty-five feet wide to provide for the safety of individuals and maintenance vehicles that are adjacent to the water pool. The safety bench may be landscaped, without the use of structures, to prevent access to the water pool.
2. Side slopes between the safety bench and the aquatic bench shall not be steeper than 3:1 (three feet horizontal for every one foot vertical).
3. An aquatic bench that extends inward from the shoreline far enough to ensure public safety and has a maximum depth of fifteen inches below the normal water surface elevations. The aquatic bench may be landscaped to prevent access to the deeper water pool.
4. Side slopes beyond the aquatic bench and below the permanent water level shall not be steeper than 3:1 (three feet horizontal for every one foot vertical) or as otherwise approved by the Village Engineer.
5. The contours of the pond will be designed and managed to eliminate drop-offs and other hazards.
6. Side slopes getting to the pond shall not exceed 3:1 and shall terminate on a safety bench.
7. Soil erosion and sediment control practices used to satisfy these standards shall meet the standards and specifications in the current edition of the Ohio Rain Water and Land Development Manual, NRCS Field Office Technical Guide for Cuyahoga County, or the Ohio EPA, whichever is most stringent.
(z) These standards are general guidelines and shall not limit the right of the Village to impose at any time additional, more stringent requirements, nor shall the standards limit the right of the Village to waive, in writing, individual requirements.
(aa) Soil limitations shall be determined by using the current edition of the county soil survey written by the NRCS.
(bb) Methods for controlling increases in storm water runoff peaks and volumes shall be those that are specified in the Village Manual.
(Ord. 2014-119. Passed 2-11-15; Ord. 2017-31. Passed 5-10-17.)