Plan Required.
(a) An applicant shall develop a Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan describing how the quantity and quality of storm water will be managed after construction is complete for every discharge from the site and/or into a water resource or a small municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4). The comprehensive plan developed to comply with this regulation will be coordinated and combined with the riparian plan and the post-construction water quality plan that are developed for the same site. These plans together will be part of the overall Storm Water Management Plan that will be submitted for the site. The comprehensive storm water management plan so developed will serve as the storm water pollution prevention plan (SWP3) required by Ohio EPA as part of the NPDES storm water permit for general construction.
(b) The approved SWP3, and the sediment and erosion controls, and non-sediment pollution controls contained therein, shall be implemented upon the commencement of construction. Perimeter controls must be installed two working days prior to commencement of construction. The approved plan must be implemented until the site reaches final stabilization. All properties adjacent to the site of soil-disturbing activity shall be protected from soil erosion and sediment run-off and damage, including, but not limited to, private properties, natural and artificial waterways, wetlands, storm sewers and public lands. It is the owner's responsibility to maintain current records of contractor(s) responsible for implementation of the SWP3 and providing that information to the Village Engineer.
(Ord. 2014-119. Passed 2-11-15; Ord. 2017-31. Passed 5-10-17.)