(a)   Definitions.
      (1)   “Farm Animal” means any farm animal other than domestic cats or dogs, but including, and not limited to, a horse, mule, pig, alpaca, llama, sheep, goat, and cow.
      (2)   “Fowl” means gamefowl, whether or not domesticated, including, but not limited to, geese, turkeys, ducks, chickens, roosters, and pigeons and any other similar type of animal.
   (b)   No person shall keep any fowl or farm animal within the Village, except that chickens, not including roosters, may be kept pursuant to division (c) of this section.
   (c)   (1)   Upon written request to, and prior approval of, the Village Building Commissioner, up to four chickens may be kept on a residential property within the Village for the private use of the property owner or occupant. No sale of chickens or chicken products are permitted.
      (2)   A request for approval must contain a site plan of the property, a depiction of the size and location of the coop, a description of the coop structure which must be sufficient for its purposes, and a reasonable waste disposal and all-seasons maintenance plan. The request must also demonstrate that the keeping of chickens, as requested, will not create a nuisance to any adjacent resident or business.
      (3)   Approval of the keeping of chickens may be revoked at any time by the Building Commissioner, upon notice, if the keeping of chickens is not performed in compliance with information submitted in the request for approval, the keeping of chickens becomes a nuisance to adjacent properties, or the keeping of chickens becomes a threat to the health, safety or welfare of the Village or its residents.
   (d)   Any person aggrieved by a denial or an approval of a request to keep chickens, or a revocation of approval, may appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals in writing within ten days of receiving notice of said denial or revocation.
(Ord. 2014-71. Passed 5-19-14.)