The following provisions shall apply to clean fill landfills and clean hard fill landfills:
   (a)   Permit Required. No person shall operate a clean fill landfill or a clean hard fill landfill on any property within the Village without having a valid permit therefor issued by the Village, pursuant to Section 860.04.
   (b)   Responsible Party. The permit holder under Section 860.04 shall be responsible for all activity on the permitted site and for compliance with all regulations set forth in this chapter by all persons conducting work on or otherwise using the permitted site.
   (c)   Solid Waste Prohibit. The deposit of solid waste is prohibited at the landfills.
   (d)   Construction and Demolition Debris Landfills Prohibited. The deposit of construction and demolition debris other than clean hard fill is prohibited at landfills.
   (e)   Salvaging Prohibited. Salvaging shall not be conducted at the landfill site, except with the written approval of, and in a manner acceptable to, the Mayor.
   (f)   Gates to Landfills. The entrance to a landfill site shall be provided with a gate which shall be locked at all times when landfill operations are not in progress. Keys to the gate shall be furnished to the Village if requested.
(Ord. 2014-55. Passed 4-9-14.)