   The following provisions shall apply to clean fill landfills, clean hard fill landfills, and construction demolition and debris landfills:
   (a)   Transportation. All landfill materials transported on the streets or other public thoroughfares in the Village shall be in containers or in vehicles which prevent spillage, drippage, blow-off, or escape of said material. Vehicles shall be equipped with tarpaulin, heavy canvas, or other proper covering, which is properly secured to the truck or motor vehicle, and which will prevent a loss of material from the vehicle. Vehicles traveling to or from landfill sites shall be sufficiently free of exterior dirt and debris so as to prevent the dropping of dirt and debris on the public streets or thoroughfares.
   (b)   Ingress and Egress. Ingress and egress to and from a landfill site shall be via such routes as shall be designated by the Safety Director. Whenever possible, the use of residential streets shall be prohibited. Suitable access roads shall be provided for ingress and egress within the landfill.
   (c)   Hours of Operation. No landfill operations shall be conducted at such sites outside of the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. No landfill operations shall occur on Sundays. For good cause, the Mayor may permit a deviation from the hours of operation set forth in this section through written approval setting forth the approved specific hours of operation and any reasonable condition thereof
   (d)   Water Line at Landfill Site. A water line or suitable means for the storage of water shall be provided at a landfill site, together with any other equipment that may be necessary to quell any fires which may occur at any place on the landfill site. Such water facilities shall be of sufficient size to provide water to keep the access road clean and also to provide washing facilities for the vehicles using the site to prevent the dropping of dirt and debris upon public streets or highways. The size and location of the water facilities shall be subject to the approval of the Village Engineer and the Fire Chief.
   (e)   No Nuisance. The operation of the landfill shall be maintained in such a manner as not to constitute a nuisance at any time, or to be considered as dangerous to the health of the general public.
   (f)   Dust Control. Dust control shall be provided for the landfill site and for all vehicles entering and exiting the landfill site. The applicant shall comply with all applicable ordinances and statutes and any dust caused by the operation shall be controlled by the applicant. The contractor shall supply all labor, material and equipment necessary, such as calcium chloride, water, or a motorized dust-free street sweeping device, as directed by the Village Engineer, to maintain clean and safe roadways at all times and to reduce the dust generated from the landfill site or vehicle accessing the site.
   (g)   Insect and Rodent Control. All operations of the landfill shall be carried out in such a manner that conditions will not be favorable for the harborage and production of insects and rodents. Supplemental effective vector control measures shall be initiated immediately by the permit holder when deemed necessary by the Village Engineer.
   (h)   Necessary Equipment for Landfills. Equipment adequate in size and quantity and in operable condition shall be available at the landfill site at all times to operate the landfill. Adequate provision shall be made by the permit holder for servicing, maintenance and repair of such equipment.
   (i)   Cover Material for Landfills. Cover material for a landfill shall be of clean earth and shall be applied at the end of each day's operation or more frequently when necessary. The cover material shall be at a compacted thickness so as to prevent insect and rodent attraction and breeding, blowing of litter, release of odors, fire hazards, and unsightly appearance and so as to permit minimal percolation of surface water.
   (j)   Final Cover for Landfills. As sections of the landfill are completed, a final cover of clean earth not less than three feet in depth, compacted, shall be placed on top of the site. As sections of the landfill are brought to their ultimate grade, the final cover shall be placed and area is to be graded, seeded and landscaped.
(Ord. 2014-55. Passed 4-9-14.)