The removal of topsoil, trees and other vegetation, loam, sand, gravel, rock, stone, clay and other similar substances from the land results in noise and the creation of large quantities of dust, which prove obnoxious to inhabitants in the vicinity thereof, creates erosion, drainage problems, swamps and lakes, frequently results in damage to adjoining properties by disturbing the substructure thereof, tends to have a disrupting effect on ground water supplies, results in other similar dangers to public health and safety, results in unsightly and blighted areas unfit for other and useful purposes, thus retarding or preventing the development of desirable residential, commercial and industrial areas, depressing property and other values in the neighborhood, permanently destroying the land and leaving it almost valueless for any purpose and creates the highway hazards of heavy trucks and other equipment on the roads and the scattering of earth and debris thereon, and, unless properly planned, regulated and supervised, has an adverse effect upon the public peace, health, safety and general welfare.
(Ord. 2004-98. Passed 6-9-04.)