All industrial uses shall comply with the following performance standards as a condition of occupancy and use. Any use already established shall not be altered, added to, or otherwise modified so as to conflict with, or to further conflict with, the following performance standards. Statements that such uses comply or will comply may be required, in writing, by the Planning Board from the owner and operator. In cases of doubt, the Village shall select and arrange for an independent review by a professional qualified in the particular field and the costs for such services shall be paid by the owner or operator.
   (a)   Enclosed Buildings. All permitted main and accessory uses and operations, except off-street parking, shall be conducted wholly within enclosed buildings. All raw materials, partially finished products, finished products and mobile and other equipment shall be stored within enclosed buildings.
   (b)   Fire and Explosive Hazards.
      (1)   No explosive materials or devices may be manufactured.
      (2)   The storage, handling and use of flammable or explosive materials shall be permitted only in structures having incombustible exterior walls and roof.
      (3)   All activities concerned with flammable or explosive materials shall be provided with adequate safety and protective devices against hazards of fire and explosion as well as with adequate firefighting and suppression equipment and devices standard to the operation involved.
      (4)   Automatic sprinkling systems are required.
      (5)   All buildings shall be accessible to firefighting equipment and shall comply with the fire prevention codes of the Village and the State.
   (c)   Waste Materials. Liquid wastes shall not be discharged into a reservoir, stream, storm sewer or other open body of water unless treated or controlled so that the amount of solid substances, oils, grease, acids, alkaline and other chemicals shall not exceed the amount permitted by other codes of the State and County. Solid wastes shall be stored in fully enclosed buildings.
   (d)   Smoke and Dust. The emission of smoke, soot, fly ash, fumes, dust and other types of air pollution borne by the wind shall not be permitted.
   (e)   Odorous Matter. The emissions from odorous matter in such quantities as to produce a public nuisance or hazard beyond the boundaries of the lot shall not be permitted.
   (f)   Toxic or Noxious Matter. The emission of toxic, noxious or corrosive fumes or gases shall not be permitted.
   (g)   Radioactive, Electrical or Communication Disturbances. Radioactive, electrical or communication disturbances which adversely affect any form of life or equipment at or beyond the boundaries of the lot shall not be created or permitted.
   (h)   Vibration. Vibrations shall not be permitted beyond the boundaries of the lot, which would be perceptible without the aid of instruments.
   (i)   Sound. The sound pressure level of any operation on a lot shall not exceed the limits of Chapter 632, and shall further not exceed the average intensity of the street traffic noise in the District, and no sound shall be objectionable due to intermittence, beat frequency or shrillness.
   (j)   Service and Body Shops. Truck and/or automobile body shops and mechanical service garages shall not be permitted.
(Ord. 2004-101. Passed 11-10-04.)