The Office Building, Research Laboratory and Light Manufacturing District and its regulations are established in order to achieve, among other things, the following purposes:
(a) To provide land area for office, research, wholesale and manufacturing uses in the community.
(b) To regulate development of such uses based upon standards in order that they may be compatible with the residential areas of the Village and provide for coordinated development of such uses.
(c) To provide, where appropriate, for the expansion and continued development of such uses, thereby meeting the future economic needs of the Village for such activities.
(d) To provide for such uses which do not create a substantial amount of noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odors, heat, glare, traffic or other objectionable influences which would create conditions detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the public
(e) To provide such density regulations and landscape requirements as will further control any of the foregoing objectionable influences.
(Ord. 2004-101. Passed 11-10-04.)