(a)   No person shall keep or harbor any vicious animal. For purposes of this section, "vicious animal" means an animal which has a propensity or tendency to attack or to cause injury, by biting or otherwise, to any person or other domestic animal.
   (b)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree and shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 698.02.
   (c)   In addition to other penalties applicable to this section, the Municipal Court may order the owner or person in custody or possession of any animal which is determined by the Court to be vicious and constituting a serious threat to the health or safety of the public to forthwith remove such animal from the Village. If such animal is not removed from the Village in compliance with such order, the Court may order the Chief of Police to cause the animal to be impounded and destroyed.
(Ord. 1990-120. Passed 11-15-90.)