Each licensee classified in Sections 5.08.060 and 5.08.080 of this chapter shall buy all alcoholic beverages through the city’s alcoholic beverage license, and shall be subject to all provisions of SDCL Title 35. The licensee shall pay directly the distributor of all alcoholic beverages for any and all invoices attributable to such establishment.
Each licensee classified in Sections 5.08.060 and 5.08.080 of this chapter shall pay to the city, on or before the twentieth (20th) of each month, a mark-up of ten percent (10%) on all alcoholic, non-alcoholic wine and malt beverage, or malt beverage invoices from the preceding month, and submit the monthly remittance form itemizing all costs. (Ord. 810 (part), 2018: Ord. 785 (part), 2017: Ord. 708, 2012: Ord. 680 (part), 2011)
Any person who is licensed pursuant to SDCL 35-4-2(4), (6), (11), (12), (13), or (16), and who is issued a video lottery establishment license pursuant to SDCL 42-7A-41, must pay an additional annual fee for locating video lottery machines on the licensed premises. The fee is established at fifty dollars ($50.00) for each video lottery machine, and the fee shall be paid at the same time and in the same manner as the fees paid on licenses issued pursuant to SDCL 35-4-2. All fees received under this section shall be deposited into the general fund of the city. (Ord. 810 (part), 2018: Ord. 785 (part), 2017: Ord. 680 (part), 2011: Ord. 457, 1996: Ord. 374 (part), 1992: prior code § 3-109)
Any on-sale licensed property, that is, property to property, within two hundred (200) feet of school property may not serve alcoholic beverages outside of the building, and all alcoholic beverages must stay within the structure. (Ord. 810 (part), 2018: Ord. 785 (part), 2017: Ord. 680 (part), 2011)