16.10.030   Sketch plan procedures.
   A.   Five copies of the sketch plan, any supplementary material, and an 8.5 by 11 inch copy of the plan shall be filed with the planning administrator, at least twenty (20) days prior to the meeting of the city planning commission meeting at which it is to be considered.
   B.   The subdivider or authorized agent shall review with the city planning commission and city council the minimum standards of subdivision design set forth in Chapters 16.08 through 16.24 and any other adopted standards. This review should prevent unnecessary and costly revisions in the layout and development of the subdivision.
   C.   Approval of the sketch plan by the city council shall not constitute acceptance of the preliminary or final plat. The approval of the sketch plan shall lapse unless a preliminary plat based thereon is submitted within three years from the date of the approval. An extension of time may be applied for by the subdivider and may be granted by the city council, upon showing of extenuating circumstances. (Ord. 566 (part), 2002)