Chapter 15.16
15.16.011   Statutory authorization.
15.16.012   Findings of fact.
15.16.013   Statement of purpose.
15.16.014   Methods of reducing flood losses.
15.16.020   Definitions.
15.16.030   General provisions.
15.16.031   Lands to which this chapter applies.
15.16.032   Basis for establishing the areas of special flood hazard.
15.16.033   Establishment of development permit.
15.16.034   Compliance.
15.16.035   Abrogation and greater restrictions.
15.16.036   Interpretation.
15.16.037   Warning and disclaimer or liability.
15.16.038   Severability.
15.16.040   Administration.
15.16.041   Designation of the floodplain administrator.
15.16.042   Duties and responsibilities of the floodplain administrator.
15.16.043   Permit procedures.
15.16.044   Variance procedures.
15.16.045   Map revisions.
15.16.050   Provisions for flood hazard reduction.
15.16.051   General standards.
15.16.052   Specific standards.
15.16.053   Standards for subdivision proposals.
15.16.054   Floodways.
15.16.055   Penalties for noncompliance.
15.16.056   Certification.