Chapter 13.08
13.08.010   Rates and charges.
13.08.010   Rates and charges.
   There shall be charged by the city, effective for the January 2022 billing upon passage and publication of the ordinance codified in this chapter as provided by law, a charge for water services (operation and maintenance) to persons, associations of individuals, partnerships, corporations or firms based upon the usage of water. The rates shall be as follows:
   A.   1.   Operation and Maintenance—Residential (Single-family).
Gallons Used
Water Charge
2,000 (minimum)
   On amounts of water used over two thousand (2,000) gallons, add eight dollars and forty- eight cents ($8.48) per thousand gallons used to the water charge.
   B.   1.   Operation and Maintenance—Commercial and Multi Family.
Gallons Used
Water Charge
2,000 (minimum)
   On amounts of water used over two thousand (2,000) gallons, add nine dollars and ninety- seven cents ($9.97) per thousand gallons used to the water charge.
   C.   In addition to the charge for water services (operation and maintenance) to persons, associations of individuals, partnerships, corporations or firms, there shall be a surcharge for the services of the facilities financed.
      1.   Bond Redemption—Rural Utilities Service. In addition to such charges as may be necessary to pay the expenses of operation and maintenance of the city’s water system, each user of the water system shall pay a surcharge according to the following schedule, which shall be subject to adjustment from time to time by resolution of the city council as necessary to redeem and discharge a bond in the amount of two million ninety-one thousand four hundred twenty-three dollars ($2,091,423.00) which was issued to the United States of America, acting through the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) with a loan date of January 12, 2007, to be paid over a period of forty (40) years at an interest rate of 4.375% (the “RUS Bond”), and a bond anticipation note (the “BAN”) issued in anticipation of the RUS Bond, the proceeds of which are to be used for replacement and improvement of the city’s water distribution system, with such bond being re-issued as a Water Revenue Bond on March 31, 2020 in the amount of one million six hundred forty-eight thousand forty dollars and seventy-six cents ($1,648,040.76) issued to Dacotah Bank over a period of twenty (20) years at an interest rate of 2.00% for five years, 2.45% for five years and then 4.00% for ten years:
      Residential (Single-family), Commercial, and Multifamily.
      Operation and Maintenance — Residential (Single-family).
Gallons Used
Bond Charge
2,000 (minimum)
   On amounts of water used over two thousand (2,000) gallons, add one dollar and fifty-nine cents ($1.59) per thousand gallons used to pay and redeem the Water Revenue Bond.
   Such surcharge shall be segregated from all other funds of the city, and shall be and is pledged to secure the repayment of the Water Revenue Bond, and shall be used for no other purpose. This surcharge is enacted pursuant to SDCL 9-10-15.
(Ord. 861, 2021: Ord. 844, 2020: Ord. 828, 2019: Ord. 812, 2018: Ord. 796, 2017: Ord. 778, 2016: Ord. 775, 2016: Ord. 773, 2016: Ord. 767, 2015: Ord. 754, 2014: Ord. 746, 2014: Ord. 698, 2011: Ord. 668, 2009: Ord. 662, 2009: Ord. 652 (part), 2008: Ord. 634, 2006: Ord. 618, 2005: Ord. 603 (part), 2004: Ord. 553, 2002: Ord. 516, 1999: Ord. 485, 1997: Ord. 462, 1996: Ord. 445, 1995: Ord. 381, 1992: Ord. 373, 1992: Ord. 364, 1991: prior code § 4-132 (part))