10.16.010 No parking areas.
10.16.020 Spaces reserved for taxicabs, buses, police cars.
10.16.030 Limited parking.
10.16.040 Diagonal parking.
10.16.050 Double parking.
10.16.060 Backing to curb.
10.16.070 Parking on crosswalks.
10.16.080 Parking in alleys--Removal.
10.16.090 Parking within certain distance from fire hydrant or fire station driveway.
10.16.100 Public and private driveway.
10.16.110 Parking left of center.
10.16.120 Towing of vehicles.
10.16.130 Designation of no parking areas.
10.16.140 Parking on public streets and alleys prohibited during snow removal alert.
10.16.150 Motor home camping on public streets and right-of-ways prohibited.
10.16.160 Handicapped parking.
10.16.170 Storage and parking of commercial vehicles and trailers, and construction equipment.