13.04.090 Park and/or Building Permit–Fees and Deposit.
   Upon the granting of a permit under this chapter, any fees or deposits required for the use of City personnel, building, equipment, and facilities shall be contained in said permit and said fees or deposits shall be paid by the applicant within ten days of the receipt of said permit. If said fees or deposits are not paid within said ten days, then, in that event, the permit therefor issued shall be null and void:
   A.   Building fees and charges have been established and are regulated by the type of organization or individual usage proposed by the application and such fees are subject to change as required by personnel or City costs;
   B.   Building deposit fees are refundable upon to incite violence, crime or disorderly conduct; approval of the City Manager, providing no damage arises from the applicant’s usage.
(Ord. 531, § 9, 1972)