2.94.080 Powers and Functions.
   A.   The powers and functions of the Commission shall be to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council to provide expertise and guidance on major policy and programmatic areas related to the environmental, economic and societal goals noted within Cupertino's CAP and General Plan Environmental Resources/Sustainability Element.
   B.   To fulfill their mission, the Commission may involve itself in the following activities:
      1.   Monitor and update the CAP based upon quantified metrics to measure and evaluate mitigated impacts and community benefits.
      2.   Suggest recommendations, review, and monitor the City's General Plan Environmental Resources/Sustainability Element and its intersections with the CAP.
      3.   Advise the City Council how to strategically accelerate Cupertino's progress towards sustainability and recommend priorities to promote continued regional leadership in sustainability.
      4.   Periodically review policies governing specific practices and programs, such as greenhouse gas emissions reduction, water conservation, renewable energy, energy efficiency, materials management, and urban forestry. Illustrative examples include creation of infrastructure for low emissions vehicles, installation of renewable energy or energy efficiency technologies, drafting of water conservation or waste reduction policies, delivery of habitat restoration and conservation programs, design and roll-out of pollution prevention campaigns, etc.
      5.   Make recommendations regarding the allocation of funds for infrastructure and technology improvements to elevate operational performance of City facilities, businesses, educational institutions and homes by reducing costs, improving public health, and serving community needs.
      6.   Accept public input on the subject areas noted above and advise the City Council on ways to drive community awareness, behavior change, education and participation in City programs modeled upon the field's best practices.
      7.   Review and make recommendations to the City Council on Federal, State and regional policies related to sustainability that have the potential to impact City Council's goals and policies.
      8.   Pursue any other activity or scope that may be deemed appropriate and necessary by the City Council.
(Ord. 2132, § 1 (part), 2015)