A. Purpose. An unincorporated property within the City's sphere of influence may be prezoned for the purpose of determining the zoning that will apply to the property, in the event of subsequent annexation to the City. The initiation and the procedures for the prezoning shall be the same procedures that govern the rezoning of property within the City.
Upon the effective date of annexation of property that has been prezoned in compliance with this Section, the zoning designation shall become the official zoning designation for the property and shall be so designated on the City's Official Zoning Map. All property not prezoned by the Council prior to annexation shall be designated in the R1 (Single-Family Residential) Zoning District upon annexation. See § 17.200.015.F. (Zoning Upon Annexation).
B. Commission Action on Prezoning. The Commission shall make a written recommendation to the Council whether to approve, approve in modified form, or disapprove the proposed prezoning, based on the findings contained in § 17.620.035.D. (Findings for Prezoning) below.
C. Council Action on Prezoning. Upon receipt of the Commission's recommendation, the Council shall approve, approve in modified form, or disapprove the proposed prezoning, based on the findings contained in § 17.620.035.D. (Findings for Prezoning) below.
If the Council proposes to adopt a substantial modification to the prezoning not previously considered by the Commission during its hearings, the proposed modification may first be referred back to the Commission for its recommendation.
D. Findings for Prezoning. A prezoning may only be approved if all of the following findings can be made:
1. The proposed prezoning is consistent with the goals, policies, and strategies of the General Plan;
2. The proposed prezoning would not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience or welfare of the City; and
3. The site is physically suitable (including access, provision of utilities, compatibility with adjoining land uses, and absence of physical constraints) for the requested/anticipated land use development(s).
(Ord. No. 2005-007 § 1 (part); Ord. No. 2024-006)