A.   Purpose. The purpose of establishing the Culver Crest/Hillsides (-CC) is to provide the zoning regulations necessary for the sustainable development of hillside neighborhoods in Culver City.
   B.   Allowable land uses and permit requirements. Allowable land uses and required permits shall be established by the applicable underlying zone.
   C.   Definitions. The following definitions will relate to residential zoned property in the -CC Overlay:
      Attic. Any non-habitable space, per Building Code Standard, between the ceiling beams of the top story and the roof rafters, which may be reached by ladder and used for storage or mechanical equipment, and which is less than seventy (70) square feet in area and less than seven (7) feet in height, shall constitute an attic.
      Covered. Any enclosed, semi-enclosed, or unenclosed building area that is covered by a solid roof.
      Dwelling Unit. Any structure designed or used for shelter or housing that contains permanent provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation occupied by or intended for one (1) or more persons on a long term basis. A dwelling unit shall have no more than one (1) kitchen.
      Floor Area, Residential. Residential floor area shall include mezzanines, covered porches, covered patios, and accessory buildings in addition to any floor area within the main dwelling unit but shall not include detached garages. Floor area shall be defined as the area confined from exterior wall to exterior wall. Areas within a ceiling height greater than one (1) story, as defined by this Title, will be counted twice towards floor area. Staircases, elevator shafts, and the like, shall be counted as one (1) plane per floor.
      Kitchen. Any room or space within a structure containing a combination of the following facilities that are capable of being used for the preparation or cooking of food: oven/microwave oven, stove, refrigerator exceeding six (6) cubic feet, and sink.
      Mezzanine/loft. An intermediate or fractional floor area between the floor and ceiling of a main story. A mezzanine/loft floor area shall be deemed a full story when it covers more than one-third (1/3) of the area of the story directly underneath said mezzanine/loft area or the floor to plate height of the mezzanine/loft exceeds fourteen (14) feet.
      Story. That portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the next floor above it, or if there is no floor above, then the space between the floor and the ceiling above. A story shall be defined as the floor to plate height and can be no taller than fourteen (14) feet.
   D.   Development requirements. Development requirements shall be regulated by Table 2-12. Wherever the -CC Overlay zone is silent on a matter, the corresponding regulation of the underlying zone shall apply.
Table 2-12
Culver Crest/Hillside Overlay Development Standards (-CC)
Development Feature
Requirement by-CC Overlay
Development Feature
Requirement by-CC Overlay
Maximum Number of Dwelling Units Allowed per Parcel
1 Unit
Dwelling Size (A)
Maximum Area
Slope (B)
15% to 30%
>30% to 45%
>45% to 60%
Setbacks (C)
Minimum setbacks required. See § 17.300.020 (Setback Regulations and Exceptions)
20 feet - Single Story Structure
30 feet - Second Story of Two Story Structure
   Side (D)
First Floor: 10% of lot width, but not <5 feet and not > 10 feet
Second Floor (Narrow Setback): 16% of lot width, but not <8 feet and not >16 feet
Second Floor (Wide or Street-Facing Setback): 24% of lot width, but not <12 feet and not >24 feet
15 Feet
Height Limit (E)
Flat Roof - 2 stories and 26 feet
Sloped Roof - 2 stories and 30 feet
50% to 100%
1 Story and 14 feet
   (A)   Minimum by-right floor area in the hillside area, regardless of lot size, is 2,500 square feet.
   (B)   Existing slope is to be established with topographic survey and slope analysis of existing conditions prior to issuance of Building Permit.
   (C)   For exceptions to setback standards, see § 17.260.040.E.
   (D)   Building may exceed minimum required setback but cannot reduce minimum required setback. Applicant may choose which of the two (2) side setbacks is narrow and which is wide, but wide setback will automatically apply to a street facing side yard.
   (E)   Any parapet is included as part of the flat roof height standard.
   E.   Setback and stepback exceptions findings. Exceptions to setback standards shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall consider and record the decision in writing with the findings on which the decision is based. The exception may be approved, with or without conditions, only after making all of the following findings:
      1.   There are special circumstances applicable to the property (e.g. location, shape, size, depth, surroundings, and/or topography), or to the intended use of the property, so that the strict application of this Title denies the property owner privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and under identical zoning districts.
      2.   Approval of the exception would not be detrimental to the public health, interest, safety, or general welfare and would not be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity and in the same zoning district.
(Ord. No. 2019-006 § 2; Ord. No. 2024-001, Exhibit A (part))