A. The Public Works Director has the authority to remove any street median tree or parkway tree if he or she determines such removal is in the best interest of the City and the public health, safety and welfare, based on the criteria listed in § 9.08.210.C.
B. Except as otherwise provided in § 9.08.220.E, prior to removal of any street median tree or parkway tree, the Public Works Director shall provide to all interested persons 10 days written notice of the date scheduled for removal of the street median tree or parkway tree.
C. Except as otherwise provided in § 9.08.220.E, if any interested person objects to such removal, his or her objection must be in writing and filed with the City Clerk at least three days prior to the date scheduled for removal of the tree. The objection shall state the name and address of the interested person, the location of the tree and the reason for the objection.
D. Any objection(s) timely filed shall be heard by the City Council at a regularly scheduled public meeting. The City Council shall consider the objections and make a determination as to whether the tree shall be removed. In order to overturn the Public Works Director’s decision, the City Council must find the decision was based on an error in fact or dispute the findings that were the basis of the Public Works Director’s decision.
(Ord. No. 2013-007, § 1 (part))