A.   Purpose. The purpose of the relocation impact report is to address the impact on residents of a mobile home park, who qualify as eligible occupants, who will be displaced as a result of the change of use or closure of the mobile home park.
   B.   Process.
      1.   The applicant shall select a consultant and relocation specialist (hereinafter, collectively, “Relocation Specialist”), subject to the Director's approval, to prepare a relocation impact report relating to the change of use or closure of a mobile home park.
      2.   Upon the filing of a relocation impact report application, the City shall notify the mobile home park residents that such application has been filed and a relocation impact report will be prepared.
   C.   Required Content of Report. The relocation impact report shall contain, but need not be limited to, the following information:
      1.   A legal description of the mobile home park property.
      2.   A map and detailed description of the condition of the mobile home park, including the nature and location of structures, landscaping, easements, utilities and other onsite features and amenities.
      3.   The names and addresses of all mobile home owners within the mobile home park as shown on each respective title documentation for the mobile homes located in spaces within the mobile home park, and the names and addresses of all residents within the mobile home park as of the date of the relocation impact report application.
      4.   The number of spaces within the mobile home park, length of occupancy by the current residents of each space, and the current lease or rental rate for each space, including a full description of all utilities separately billed by the mobile home park to the residents and any utilities that may be included in the lease or rental rate for the space.
      5.   For each mobile home within the mobile home park, the age, date of manufacture, type, width, size, and space number, and a copy of a title search conducted through the California Department of Housing and Community Development.
      6.   The total number of residents in each mobile home, each resident's space number, resident status (eligible occupant or non-owner resident), whether any residents are the “immediate family,” as that term is defined in Cal. Civil Code § 798.35, of the eligible occupant, residents' names and whether the mobile home is a principal residence or second home. All residents shall be classified as eligible occupants or non-owner residents.
      7.   A description of the project proposed for the property that is the subject of the mobile home park change of use or closure, if applicable.
      8.   The proposed schedule for the mobile home park change of use or closure.
      9.   The location of all reasonably comparable mobile home parks within a twenty (20) mile radius of the mobile home park that is the subject of the change of use or closure, including the reasonably comparable mobile home park name, number of spaces, number of vacancies, lease rates and terms, policies, age or other restrictions imposed upon the residents of a mobile home, restrictions on the type of mobile homes and residents accepted in the mobile home park, amenities offered, and proximity to services (bus stops, grocery stores, hospitals, etc.).
      10.   A determination of the total number of mobile homes eligible to be relocated to a reasonably comparable mobile home park, and the basis on which such determination is made.
      11.   The estimated cost of relocating the eligible mobile homes identified in Subsection 10. above to available spaces in reasonably comparable mobile home parks within the area identified in the relocation impact report. The cost of relocating shall include the costs of physically moving to a new site the eligible mobile home and movable improvements, such as patios, carports and porches. Such costs may include the dismantling, packing, moving, unpacking, reassembling, and rebuilding of the mobile home and movable improvements (including skirting and tie-downs)/ and the packing, moving and unpacking of all personal property.
      12.   An estimate of the cost of purchasing each mobile home, and all associated fixed property, that cannot be relocated to a reasonably comparable mobile home park within twenty (20) miles of its existing location, at its in-place value as determined by a qualified appraiser. In determining the in-place value, the appraiser shall consider:
         a.   Each mobile home in its current location assuming the continuation of the mobile home park in a safe, sanitary, and well-maintained condition with competitive lease rates; and
         b.   The value of the mobile home attributable to the mobile home park location and amenities. The appraiser shall not consider the effect of the change of use or closure of the mobile home park on the value of the mobile home and the value of the land on which the mobile home sits.
      13.   The basis for a conclusion that a mobile home and all associated fixed property cannot be relocated to a reasonably comparable mobile home park and the basis for determining the in-place value of such mobile home.
      14.   The availability and cost of rental housing of reasonably comparable size and quality within a fifteen (15) mile radius of the mobile home park.
      15.   A relocation plan which shall include a schedule for physically relocating each mobile home, and/or payment of relocation assistance.
      16.   Proposed measures to adequately mitigate the adverse impacts of the change of use or closure of the mobile home park upon each eligible occupant based on the information provided in the relocation impact report.
      17.   A list of mobile home movers and housing specialists with proven expertise in the fields of housing and relocation of persons displaced from housing. This list shall include the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of persons who are qualified as mobile home movers, and an explanation of the services that each housing specialist provides.
      18.   Any additional information required by the Director in order to conduct a thorough review of the impacts to eligible occupants and the proposed relocation impact report.
      19.   Applicant's retained relocation specialist shall determine what constitutes a “reasonably comparable” mobile home park or other rental housing, as referenced in this Subsection 15.13.035.C.
   D.   Confidential Household and Income Data. Applicant's retained relocation specialist shall provide the Housing Division with the income information for each household within the mobile home park, as well as the. Ages and number of residents who are physically disabled in each household. Such confidential information shall not be discloseable under the Public Records Act, and shall not be included in the relocation impact report, but provided separately on a Housing Division-approved form.
   E.   Notification and Availability of Report. The relocation impact report approved by the City Council shall remain on file with the Director for review by any interested person. Within ten (10) days of the City Council's approval of the relocation impact report, the City shall notify each of the mobile home park owners, mobile home owners and mobile home park residents of the approval and availability of the relocation impact report.
   F.   Expiration and Extension of Report.
      1.   The relocation impact report shall expire one year from the date of its approval unless fifty-five percent (55%) or more of the eligible occupants receive relocation assistance benefits in accordance with the approved relocation impact report, or the applicant requests an extension setting forth justification for not having proceeded within the one-year period. No more than two (2) extensions may be granted by the City Council. A request for an extension must be filed with the Director not less than forty-five (45) days prior to the expiration of the relocation impact report. A public hearing before the City Council shall be held on the request of the applicant. If such extension occurs, all required deadlines set forth in the relocation impact report will also be extended for the same time period granted by the Extension of the relocation impact report.
      2.   If relocation assistance benefits have not been provided to all eligible occupants within one year of approval of the relocation impact report, on the anniversary date each year after the approval of the relocation impact report, the relocation assistance benefits shall be increased by an amount equivalent to the cost-of-living index for the Los Angeles/Riverside/Orange County area published by the U.S. Department of Labor. The increase shall be determined by taking the average CPI for the quarterly period closest to the anniversary date of the approval of the relocation impact report.
      3.   If relocation assistance benefits have not been provided to all eligible occupants in accordance with the approved relocation impact report within three (3) years of the original date of approval, a new relocation impact report shall be prepared in accordance with § 15.13.035.
(Ord. No. 2011-010 § 1 (part))