A. Not later than twenty-one (21) days prior to the public hearing to consider the relocation impact report, the applicant shall conduct at least one informational meeting for the mobile home owners and residents of the mobile home park regarding the status of the relocation impact report to be considered, the timing of the proposed relocation of eligible occupants, and the details of the relocation assistance benefits proposed in the relocation impact report.
B. All informational meetings shall be scheduled and held to maximize the number of mobile home owners and residents of the mobile home park that are able to attend these meetings. The informational meeting or meetings shall be conducted on the premises of the mobile home park or other appropriate location as approved by the Director. The applicant's retained relocation specialist(s) designated in the relocation impact report shall be present at all informational meetings.
C. Not later than fourteen (14) days prior to the public hearing to consider the relocation impact report, the applicant shall file with the Director a statement made under penalty of perjury that the applicant has complied with the requirements of this § 15.13.030. Such statement shall include the date, time, and place where such informational meeting or meetings were conducted and the names and addresses of all attendees.
(Ord. No. 2011-010 § 1 (part))